
With EL James’ Syfy Channel level hack of a husband writing the script, it could be the train wreck we’re all hoping for. The first one didn’t deliver because they made the mistake of hiring a real writer and director to decrapify it as best they could and we got a boring slog. Big mistake. Embrace the suck,

I was like, Woah! Spector is in Christian Grey’s apartment! I guess that's what they were going for? Spector would totally murder Anastasia.

The best way to end these movies would be to Shyamalan-twist them and reveal that Grey was the murderer from The Fall all along.

Jamie Dorman silently dressing himself in the mirror has some serious serial killer vibes a la his performance in the Fall. This is not sexy. It is scary. Also maybe they decided to film it before writing it because really what’s the difference? Either way, it’s going to be a badly done collection of scenes organized

half the animals here wish it were the head of the person feeding them the watermelon

We need 4 hippos and about 60 watermelons. Now

My thoughts exactly. She didn’t have to die at all you pricks.

“She was going to be killed by this guy some day, somehow. She didn’t have to die that night.”

“According to footage recorded on the officer’s body cam”

Glambert wins for inclusion of Raja in his video.

You mean, something that people have done since time immemorial but some folks use news coverage of the trend to shit on women who participate in such things?

excellent point.

I was going to say, regarding that sign: They forget that it’s a human life once it’s born and the parents need food stamps, housing, medical care for the kid, and school lunches.

oklahoma only cares about saving the fetuses, not educating them when they come out.


Not an good writer.

Dear Mr. Calvey,

While I encourage healthy eating, this was not the way to go about Oreos in a lunch box. What the school administrators should have done was... Nothing. What that kid eats is between her mother and her.