Ivey West

Copyright is not meant to be “stay off the grass”.

The government isn’t “bad” at computers. There are many organizations within the government that are exceptionally - perhaps, preeminently - good at computers. Rather, the government has such an expansive use of computers that the security implementations run the gamut of quality. If you took all the companies in the

It’s called “second position,” but that’s not the case here. The Variety article (and repeated in the io9 post above), indicate the scheduling would allow her to do both.

Bricken bitches about everything. He’s as constant as the northern star.

Yeah, like Amos and Andy and Beulah. Sitcoms have ALWAYS dealt in broad generalizations and stereotypes. The only thing that sets tBBT apart is that the broad generalizations and stereotyped group are the target audience of this blog.

The recaps are half the reason I am here. I miss them too.

It was interesting to see two characters in one movie that only had an interesting in being Total Good Guys.

Or that one guy who ALWAYS has a laundry list of questions that are completely pointless or off topic and just drag the meeting on longer when everyone wants to gtfo of there....

Or anybody else for that matter. Ask questions but don’t monopolize the instructors time. Hint: if you are asking questions 5/1 of anyone else in the room. Write them down and ask after the class/presentation. (If that’s an option.)

You shut your god damn mouth right now about Days of Thunder!!

Heroes first season had Bryan Fuller in the writers’ room. By the second season he was working on Pushing Daisies. I still think that goes far to explain why season one was so good and later seasons an utter mess.

So you’re saying when they take seeds out they don’t have to simultaneously replace them with a bag of sand weighing approximately the same in order to avoid a giant rolling boulder? Booooooring.

Ah, no no, my bad. I see how the phrasing could be confusing. I meant that from your perspective, the monthly Apple installments tag on to your already existing AT&T expenses. But you pay Apple separately from AT&T - it’s not quite clear how you pay Apple but I’m guessing it’s just through the card in your iTunes/App

No. The contract is purley to lease hardware from Apple. Apple doesn’t care about your provider contract, and you provider doesn’t care about this contract.

You must not know the area that well. The people you describe either don’t like football or are from somewhere else and pack the bars on Sunday’s to cheer on whatever team that is.

Um...what? There was clearly (at least) two defenders in front of the set up man at 0:17 when the ball left the foot, and the final headed pass was backwards. Not even a sniff of offside.