Ivey West

I’m not even a gun owner and I think the demonization of guy owners is getting a bit out of control.

I guess network saturation is all going to be geographically based, right? Where I am (Virginia Beach, VA), I get get service and solid speeds (I don’t pay attention, but I never notice a problem).

But I’ve got no motivation to change. My bill is low, my service fits my needs. I’m not going to quit AT&T in solidarity with people who don’t like the new plans.

Sure, when they take away my grandfathered plan, I might just. But until then, with my company discount, I’m pretty happy with my bill.

Until they take away my grandfathered unlimited data, I’m not going anywhere.

“Unsurprising news: John Williams will return to score the film.”

I believe Anders has been playing Dr. Frankenstein on OUAT off and on since the first season?


“but among writers for Netflix shows, there are only planners.”

I think that’s the point. That the kids went back and changed things and nearly destroyed the world by doing so.

Except, as we sit here today, the script for Infinity War is being worked on. That movie comes out in 2 years. SHIELD is working on scripts that come out in 2 months, and they’re shooting (and probably writing) Iron Fist, which will likely premiere in 6-10 months.

To be fair, TV shows storylines aren’t generally broken that far in advance, and it generally is to their detriment when they’re forced to build into specifics that way.

As I mentioned elsewhere, I tried from the beginning. I tried when Sarah Shahi guested. I tried when Shahi was made a regular. I watched the episode when Henson was killed off (I tend to jump into buzz worthy episodes of shows I don’t watch just to see the fuss (See also: The Good Wife when Will Gardner was shot)).

I’ve tried. I’ve tried from the beginning, and I tried jumping in when Shahi showed up, and when she became a regular.

“2) They should have just cast Amy Acker as MacGyver (though I do like Lucas Till, he’s no Amy Acker.)“

“It was going to come out sooner or later,” Gunn told io9 of why he chose Comic-Con to reveal the information. “And I think one of the things I impressed upon people early on is the identity of Quill’s father is not the big stunner in this movie. I’m not leading it all to Darth Vader being Luke’s father in the third

He’s not. It was said tongue-in-cheek, as it followed his comments about the “corporate barrier.”

Maybe Yoda was telling the truth ...

Would a triathalon be a better analogy?

She used a face when she killed Trant, which is a scene where she slit a man’s throat from behind and had the same expression as she did when she killed Walder Frey.