Ivey West

None featured as much Clarke and Lexa, but Miller’s boyfriend has been mentioned several times (we saw him in a recent episode, on Bellamy’s assault team that Octavia warned off ... wearing a red hoodie, so I thought he was done for). And Clarke hooked up with Jessica Harmon’s character in the premiere, but that’s not

I noticed [sniff, sniffy].

I can’t speak to this trope, but looking at this singularly, it’s not about Lexa.

io9 (I thought, I couldn’t find it in a Google search) posted an article a couple of years back positing that reboots/remakes were just modern day fables and folk tales, passed down from generation to generation.

And your response to the repetitive comments are repetitive replies.

Snoz. Definitely Snoz.

“ ... popular culture today or gaming culture in general.”

FWIW, that’s not what the FBI is asking for in this case. They’re asking for Apple to develop software that can be added to a phone in custody after-the-fact that opens the phone up.

Make it free or cheaper! Yes, because I want to see the massive drop in the quality of television when people stop getting paid to make it.

You paid good money not to watch a commercial, as if the aggregate of people that paid that good money was enough to actually pay for the show to be made.

Listen, I’m as “in the middle” on torrenting as the next guy, but your statement is incredibly shortsighted. Movies making less money means it is less likely for the next movie to get made, and more likely for it to have a smaller budget. That definitely hurts the rank and file of Hollywood.

Yeah, why would he want to give credit to the guy that did all the work. It would have been so much better for him to capitalize on it himself.

Charlie, just out of curiosity:

I LOVED Happy Endings. Marry Me? Not so much.

It’s called “second position,” but that’s not the case here. The Variety article (and repeated in the io9 post above), indicate the scheduling would allow her to do both.

Has anyone looked at the power-usage of Facebook’s alternative iOS app Paper? I’ve not used the ‘standard’ Facebook app on my phone since it came out.

In canonical book Tarkin, it’s pretty well established that Tarkin has figured out who Vader really was, but was keeping it to himself.

I so can’t wait for this to stop being a thing. Like the exec was supposed to go change clothes in the middle of the apocalypse.

I wish we could stop talking about the “billionaire buying a police department” like privatized police forces weren’t a new idea in fiction.

I liked Sucker Punch a great deal more than MoS. In fact, I thought the hate for SP was entirely overblown.