Ivey West

I mentioned elsewhere that my numbers were sourced wrong, but no, I think only a little of Heroes “success” is due to marketing; more due to the interest in whether or not the show could return to any of its former glory.

I can’t edit my post, but as GeoffDes mentions below, I was looking at viewership in the demo for Constantine and not overall viewers as I was using with Heroes.

You are absolutely correct.

Last episode of Heroes Reborn had 3.95 million viewers. The most-watched episode of Constantine had 2.1 (the premiere) but ended with episodes averaging in the 1.5 range.

Oh hell, I’m really jealous of those.

I agree with most of what’s here, but let’s remember that the reason that the iPhone was AT&T exclusive first was that no one wanted to follow Apple’s paradigm-changing rules.

So you bring a clipboard with you from home just in case you have an emergency?

That being said, I managed amusement parks for 15 years. This would never work in any park I worked in.

The score during that moment ... a perfect counterpoint to the excitement and pace to what was on screen.

It was an Entertainment Weekly report:

I’d read elsewhere that it was the same character, and I thought it was in the press release. Perhaps it was speculation.

Also, the shadow manipulator that attacked Malina is Quentin’s sister.

I’m not saying that the episode was any good, but I thought the plan was relatively straightforward: Renatus is planning on saving a certain aspect of humanity and letting everyone else die.

He was on the World Security Council in Avengers, the one that played a large role in Winter Soldier.

Love mine. Sure hate it for you.

I thought it was pretty obvious that John was Lincoln’s sponsor.

RPO without the 80s references isn’t the same thing. I get that it’s not for everyone (I’m more of a 90s kid than an 80s kid), but I think most fans of the work would be disappointed if it were distilled down like that.

Really, really hopeful (but without much conviction) that Google will update Nik so those tools can plug in.

This. SmartTVs do not appeal to me at all.

You should be ale to add the three original starter kit bulbs to a new base.

I think they were sourced from the Kickstarter page.