
It's quite obvious that the stories of all the internal turmoil and clouded vision for what the next XBox would be at MS headquarters were fairly accurate.

NOBODY there seems to have any clue what the features are, what the focus is and how the actual device works other than: "TV TV TV TV CALL OF DUTY".

Ask 5 different

Whatever, I'm not getting it. Very happy with my PC.

Question 1: N/A. I am a 32 year old gamer who will never accept this as a permanent requirement. There is a massive back catalog of games that do not require this, and my pile of shame is huge. I can categorically state that I will never pay anything close to full price for a game that requires an online connection

I don't know why, considering that everything I use has a camera in it, but the Kinect a s a concept has always freaked me out. I think it's because unlike my Android phone, Chromebook, or Wii U gamepad, its sole purpose isn't to watch and process my every move. Those other devices serve other purposes.... and happen

Honest to god though, I love WoW. However, these last few times of renewing my sub have been out a sense of pure nostalgia for the old Vanilla/BC days. I just can't keep up an interest for a game that has deviated so far from what it used to be. Surely I'm not the only one who has renewed for nostalgia's sake, right?

Part of the reason they don't show up to crap like this (and it is crap) is their presence there would only give merit to the claims these people are making.

It's because this suit is the answer to life, the universe, and everything.