
I agree. It will be interesting to see how this turns out. Simply saying it runs a Linux-based system is kinda open ended. There's a LOT of linux-based systems out there. Let's wait until we hear more info before everyone starts passing judgment.

Really? Dad started crying?! He's a craazy thing to try... TALKING TO YOUR FRIGGIN' KIDS!!! As for the device having data from a previous owner, if you're going to be a cheap A* & buy used/refurbished/2nd hand then make sure to do your own factory reset yourself. Finally, if the images were stored on the SIM card,

So has anyone actually seen just what these pictures actually CONTAIN? I know the news has a propensity for blowing things WAY out of proportions; all the more so when nothing else is really happening. Video games are, sadly, always an easy target. In 10-15 years I better be hearing about this kid being busted for a

While I agree with you entirely on the types of many console gamers vs PC gamers, I do think that if Steam were to design an enclosed rig that they could be VERY competative with consoles. Maybe something along the lines of the barebones kits you can buy on newwegg or tigerdirect for example; they come with the case,