Dope Dopamine

I really don't understand this stuff, if I want to watch porn I can just watch porn, if I'm gaming I want to game, not rub one out.. the controller would just get sticky...

Yeah, I mean.. "hey Everett"?

Which Jump manga is this from?

I stopped watching after a while, too many bosses and enemies "SPOILERED" :(

at least the "stupid bongo" introduced something new... this is just new levels for the same game I already played a number of times...

... I thought they were the best when I first played them, when I was 6-8 years old...

Does Nintendo understand it?

aw come on, it was the only thing making it bearable, 3 whole hours of award show spiel where everything is the best and great and amazing would have been insufferable without his trolling :D

Please don't spread misinformation, Silvio doesn't need viagra!