
She didn’t try to kill this guy

Guess what, 99.99% of the population of the UK manages to go their whole life without publicly shouting the N word at someone, much less in anger while playing a fucking videogame of all things. Well done for being in that 0.01% that can’t manage basic decency.

HA! Fucked themselves there.

Wrong and wrong. It doesn’t have to be a critique to be Fair Use, that’s just one usage of Fair Use. This, in legality, is not a copyright offense as it is using a different medium than the original creators’ delivery medium. ie. You can’t sue for copyright infringement if he started selling t-shirts with

Actually, your comment shows you know zero about copyright and how it works. Copyright only extends to using a duplicate of a specific medium within that medium. Filming a film is copyright infringement, filming a game is not... the only grounds they have possimaybly is using the game’s audio track. This is abuse of

...or a giant baked ham named M. Ham’d

There are ways around it while still accomplishing the task. All they have to do is have a Noob Saibot type shadow character and call him “Moe H.” and then have him do a bunch of Halal attacks.

That would be awesome if they just had his character invisible but the shadow was cast.

I dunno. If they’re not even going to bother fixing the janky looking low-detailed bodies that look cheap compared to the facial work, it feels like what’s the point of re-buying a 6 year old game again for [probably at least] $40?

Umm, no because they specifically stated these upgrades for Xbone and Ps4 standard versions...not just exclusively to the X and Pro. X and Pro get the 4K resolution.

I noticed they omitted “a range of technical enhancements for greater visual fidelity and authenticity, and high resolution textures” from the Switch description.

Yeah, I know at least 5 people who thought it was just the tablet for use on the Wii and didn’t understand why they would buy an accessory for a dead system.

I just wanted to equally associate them with FSM, no other reason. k byebye now

In all fairness, they didn’t use L Ron Hubbard or the Flying Spaghetti Monster either.

So I guess they’re not taking the risk on Islam, Scientology, and the Flying Spaghetti Monster, huh?

There’s a big difference in having meaningless dancing or background video like Beatmania IIDX, etc. and what this game is doing. You don’t have the time to see how much damage is being dealt or taken by your characters and whatnot because you’re too busy paying attention to the oncoming barrage of notes you have to

“...all this action going on beneath the track...totally for bystanders”

“This is a Playstation 4 game” should not be the measure of how a game should look, else everything would look the same. We’re talking about a Dreamcast originating game that kept the same look with the sequel and is keeping contextually with the previous two games. I don’t see a problem with that anymore than I see

...or they could, ya know, just fix the fucking slow ass movement speed.

Actually, the right way to do it is to take 2 of the seat covers, poke the thing down on each and put them on opposite sides of each other. The front flap keeps your dick safe from touching the bowl and the back flap makes sure your poop has a nice slide into the water to avoid the dreaded water plop from slashing