
I know this will likely go unnoticed and get buried, but I had basically the exact same experience with my mom and dad. It’s a psychosis, this Trump thing; very cult-like. Basically everything you just said happened to me (with the exception of me being white). I’ve noticed that Trump supporters are all very much

Are these the same white people you guys were telling to shut up and stay out of this a couple of days ago on The Root?

So I guess the whole Evergreen college “You are part of the problem.” thing has infected a larger populace now. You know while you’re actively telling people who are your allies (or who want to be your allies) to fuck off, you’re simultaneously creating an unnecessary divide, right? I just don’t understand the

White supremacists are so fucking stupid. Just the idea that inherently they’re better, when in most cases it’s clear they’re not, is enough, but on top of that; the idea that getting rid of all other races is going to make the world peaceful and right is stupid as fuck. I wonder if they’ve ever actually taken the

Go look up Evergreen college in WA. This is the same argument happening over there. If you’re not with the anti-white crew, then you’re inherently a racist. You’re really wasting your time arguing with this level of insanity in the same way you’re wasting your time arguing with a Trump supporter. They’re just as

You sound like one of them, the way you’re talking. Do you not realize that? You’re all “git outta muh cuntry iffen yu don like it” but instead of following it up with a minority slur, you’re essentially telling all white people they’re a problem and the only solution is to agree with you that they’re a problem. Lis

Only a full year late on having a few of the promised features in the actual game everyone already paid for...? Cool story.

And sadly there’s very little online with the main game outside of the saving of progress. Yeah there’s the online run battles but those get tired quickly. It would be nice to be able to just have the main game playable offline for trips into nowhere and shit.

They haven’t yet reached the depths of Steam’s forever in beta games...

Whether or not anybody noticed, they basically killed off Windows Media Player in Win10 by removing the ability to play DVDs and DVD files (VOB, etc). They expect you to buy an app for $15 to do what VLC, MPC-HC and other players already do for free.

Unpopular Opinion: Heavy Rain’s Beginning, Middle, and Ended Badly.

OMG, agreed. You don’t know how few people are willing to say this. Between 9 and 6, I don’t know which is the worst in the series. Both are still very playable but not interesting at all compared to the others.

I wish the PS4 version included a 2D DLC (even for $5) so I had the ability to play the whole thing in 2D on my HDTV. It really is a shame to have to get a 3DS and play on the tiny screen to be able to enjoy the spritey goodness.

Not really. Wii U is more powerful than PS3 and Wii U emulation is moving along pretty damn well. Even Breath of the Wild is playable on non-beefy machines.

You know with your parrot-like talk, you Trump people sound a whole helluva lot like cultists, right? I mean, you realize that right? You have to realize that...because you do. Just so you know...very cult-like. Just saying. Cult. Like Waco. Like a country-wide Jonestown... and the rest of the country is just

You are so right. I also wouldn’t want to live next to any of those darn blacks either. Messin’ up muh property value.

I’m grasping at straws here...throw me a bone. :p

True. People used those damn Intercooler devices all the time for tons of consoles that never overheated, but then again there are people who live in hot climates that don’t have the best air conditioning who might benefit from it. I dunno. I don’t own a Switch yet, so I guess I can’t comment, but it seems like if

It seems like that dock internal fan would have been something Nintendo would have thought of investing the extra $2 into implementing in their $100 dock.