
I wish the PS4 version included a 2D DLC (even for $5) so I had the ability to play the whole thing in 2D on my HDTV. It really is a shame to have to get a 3DS and play on the tiny screen to be able to enjoy the spritey goodness.

Really? I thought it looked like generic Hollywood modernized shit. Might as well have been a Michael Bay movie just with less explosions. Didn’t look much better than Jumanji 2 if you ask me. Where’s the life in this movie? It’s super hollow. Maybe what went down in the books in my brain was way more colorful

I read this and Lord of the Rings / Hobbit in like 5th grade. Still one of my most favorite stories alongside LOTR/Hobbit.

Not really. Wii U is more powerful than PS3 and Wii U emulation is moving along pretty damn well. Even Breath of the Wild is playable on non-beefy machines.

I’m apparently the only person who finds this show unfunny and bland, much like the first attempt at live action. I’ll stick with the Fox cartoon and comic.

With Ewan McGregor as Kenobi and the current people in control of producing it, 100% yes, I am ok with that - whether or not it’s “necessary”. 

You know with your parrot-like talk, you Trump people sound a whole helluva lot like cultists, right? I mean, you realize that right? You have to realize that...because you do. Just so you know...very cult-like. Just saying. Cult. Like Waco. Like a country-wide Jonestown... and the rest of the country is just

You are so right. I also wouldn’t want to live next to any of those darn blacks either. Messin’ up muh property value.

These days, they can just slap on some CGI arms and keep going...

I have a feeling it’ll be more Jupiter Ascending than it will be The Fifth Element.

I’m grasping at straws here...throw me a bone. :p

True. People used those damn Intercooler devices all the time for tons of consoles that never overheated, but then again there are people who live in hot climates that don’t have the best air conditioning who might benefit from it. I dunno. I don’t own a Switch yet, so I guess I can’t comment, but it seems like if

It seems like that dock internal fan would have been something Nintendo would have thought of investing the extra $2 into implementing in their $100 dock.

You’re living in a fantasy world. Good luck when that all comes crumbling down.

Last time I checked, you’re behind a computer too, tough guy. You, much like Trump, are likely hurling insults that actually describe YOURSELF because, like him, you’re ashamed of your pussy ass failure of a self and know you’ll never be able to please the daddy who never loved you.

Being rich by inheritance and surrounded by smart people who you pay to do everything for you doesn’t make you good at what you do....unless what you do is just that, then I don’t understand the accolades for being able to do something anyone else could do given the situation. Also “most people” is about 37% of the

Huh? Where in the fuck did you pull that from?

Saban and WWE? Seems like a strange team up...

I know jack shit about the Inhumans, but they totally lost me at giant pug dog. I mean, yeah the rest looked low-rent as hell, but that was the last straw. Looks retarded.