
I would totally be into doing a few of the available roles, but the idea that I would actively have to spend money to get the equipment they want and the setup needed to record is what’s keeping me away. Put me in that setup for free and I’d be game.

Eyes too round; WHITEWASH!

You guy are sitting here complaining about just about everything that was literally in the anime... so maybe you really just didn’t like the “beloved/iconic” anime as much as you’ve fooled yourselves into thinking.

Don’t let anyone fool you, that is EXACTLY what the movie is. It’s not a horror at all. It’s a suspense/mystery/thriller...and the ending kind of ruined the movie. It’s an ok movie. Probably a 6/10 at best. Not the most amazing thing ever like everyone wants to make it out to be.

I always liked Akuma in Resident Evil. That was a solid one.

There seems to be a trend today of starting April Fools early, so I’m taking everything news-wise today and tomorrow with a grain of salt.

I’m curious if Metalstorm 3D is converted to proper modern 3D transfer or if it’s still the old shitty whipped together 3D from the previous blu-ray release where sometimes random shit was shooting off the screen because it was like machine-converted rather than a proper transfer.

I have to say I’m with you, and I haven’t even played it yet...probably never will. I can tell from all of the videos I’ve seen of it that I won’t like it. I have no desire to play games like this...but then again, I was never a huge Zelda guy (Mario and Metroid, yay) and only really liked the two on the NES, LttP,

I honestly never understood all the hype behind either film; Irreversible, and Serbian film. I thought both were rather tame and a little boring. Same with Cannibal Holocaust, Ichi the Killer and a myriad of other supposedly really “shocking” films.

Is there some reason why Kevin Nash and Ron Perlman failed to make this list but others who are so not Cable material have?

None. None what-so-ever.

You also pay for cable, but they can always be greedy and jam tons of commercials down your throat all day and force you to buy channels you don’t want...and they probably sell your watching habits.

They’re banking too much on peoples’ nostalgia for Fifth Element and Leon with the advertising, and it seems to be working. On the other hand, I’m not buying into that nostalgia heart string-pulling, because to my eyes this movie looks way too much Jupiter Ascending + Star Wars Prequels drowning in barely adequate CGI

Not sure how you can say the picture quality was horrible when you were displaying on a 4:3 SD TV which was the intended format for home viewing. Most people didn’t like letterbox format for home because of the black bars. You’re talking about a medium that was found most viable for nearly 30 years, and a suitable

I grew up in the boom of VHS and still think they’re you know, there are people who still enjoy them. Kind of like the crusty old fogeys who love Dragon Warrior for being mostly unchanged since me.

Also, remember when Republican heroes did nothing but cockblock everything Obama tried to do, but now Democrats are a bunch of obstructionists who don’t want anything to get done. 

Yeeeeah no. I’m not sure I’d be ok with a spinach heart, no matter how much scientists swear it’ll work.

Just makes me feel like La La Land is even more of a hack-job than I originally thought. Goes to show that the musical numbers were indeed shoehorned in there and hamfistedly taken from better movies that it will never actually be. And top it off with the fact that, unlike all of the good movies it stole from, it

This looks miserable. It literally looks like the previous films in tone and color/style. It’s basically The Avengers but with the skin of BvS.

I was mildly interested until the god awful CGI stepped into frame.