Does anyone even have the specs on this thing yet?
Does anyone even have the specs on this thing yet?
I lived in Japan for a decade...I thought this was a given.
You’re supposed to ride the chopsticks down the noodle as your slurp them up, so that the ends of the noodles don’t flip around.
How the hell do people still shop there? I swear, they have the worst prices and shittiest store setups. It’s so bizarre to me that anyone would go into a Gamestop on purpose for any reason; buy or sell. You can literally get the same exact stock for less at just about any major retailer these days, let alone…
My god that was painful to watch. It was the most uncomfortable room full of Yes Men that I’ve seen in years. It was a lot like George Lucas in the making of Phantom Menace behind the scenes vid I saw years ago.
Nobody loves me more than the blacks. It’s tremendous; a tremendous amount of love for me.
I never lost a single character. Also “permadeath” is a tad meaningless when they provide you with like 30 characters. If you lost more than 1-2 characters, I’d be surprised tho. It was super easy.
Infestation was good, but way too easy.
You forgot to ask what the system specs are.
These only sold out due to scalpers. I guarantee you there are tons of Switches on ebay right now, which means that actual CONSUMERS did not buy them all up. Scalpers bought 2-3+ systems to resell to desperate buyers who can’t wait.
I’m a long-term Nintendo defender, and I still love them, but man they just don’t get it. They haven’t learned a fucking thing. I was under the impression this would be the system where they finally decided to grow up a little and act like professionals...just a little. But nope; same old Nintendo antics.
It just looks like a modified version of REmake 1.
I don't even know what I'm doing.
“It’s sci fi” is not an excuse for something being irrational.
OR just delete the games you don’t actively play. It keeps the save data and the background installs don’t keep you from starting the game.
Does anyone else feel like the random floating blobs of ore on planets is a bug that needs to be fixed. It’s completely illogical.