
“He did a really good thing once! Praise him forever!” is the same stupid argument as “You said something racist once! Ruin him!”. The guy made a few good titles doesn’t make him a god. Everything else he’s been involved in since then have been overblown tripe.

No, you got it all wrong....peaked with MGS1. and in my house, we don’t even talk about MGS after 2.

Yeah, don’t voice my opinion because I have one! Fuck me, right?

More like the George Lucas of video games. He did better without boatloads of money, total freedom, and surrounded by yes men.

Thank you. Citizen Kane was a bore. The sad thing is that there were at least 2-3 other films that came out that year or a couple years before that were vastly greater, yet all the film snobs will tell you how stupid you are for not “getting it”.

I saw Citizen Kane, movie wasn’t even that good

I’m actually not upset about the Snake swap at all; and wasn’t when I first played. The main character is the most minor of problems with that game. The gameplay isn’t a problem at all...everything else about the game is retarded.

Not jaded, just not a blind follower of a series just because it was once great. I also don’t care for Final Fantasy after 7, and even back when it first came out, I didn’t see FF7 as the godsend everyone else still sees it as. FF6 was the last great one IMO.

MG1 (both NES and MSX) and MG2 and MGS1 were all fantastic. This was before they decided to take the series down the retard road...assuming we continue to ignore and negate Snake’s Revenge.

I’m 40 yrs old. I played MG1 on NES when it came out, and soon after I played it on MSX as well and MG2 on MSX. So don’t talk to me like I’m some fucking Metal Gear noob who only ever heard about it years after MGS1 came out. I grew up on that shit.

Just because it was made retarded on purpose doesn’t mean that was a good idea. The gameplay was fine but everything else was fucking straight retarded and was the beginning of all lost credibility for the series for me. If you think MGS2's retardedness is a positive thing and a great risk to take then I guess the

When did I say I “stopped” after MGS1? I’ve played them all except 5 which I have no desire to play. MGS2 played well but the story and bosses were retarded. MGS3 was a fucking clown show...I don’t even want to talk about how stupid MGS4 was. MG1 on NES and MSX were great. MG2 on MSX was solid. MGS1 was

Nobody’s saying he isn’t a good guy or that he hasn’t made some good games but he’s only done Metal Gear with few deviations. How can everyone idolize him for just doing the one thing over and over? There are other devs/directors who have done way more stuff of note that him, yet too many gamers act like Kojima is

As much as I agree that Konami are a bunch of dumb twats, I stillt hink people idolize Kojima way too much. I mean, he’s don some good stuff but people act like he is THE icon of gaming. Apparently I’m one of the few who never saw anything after MGS1 as some kind of godsend. The series peaked and ended for me with

That King Slime looks fucking gorgeous. The series now requires a Straw Slime breed, lol.

Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa....Willem Dafoe? When were they going to tell me this? The media has been so ate up with Damon and whitewashing they forgot that Sir Willem Dafoe was in this, lending any and all credibility needed. Fuck you, I’m in.

For those of us who don’t care to play the game, can you link to a video playthrough of the dungeon?

I spent 5 minutes on that subreddit (and I don’t even do reddit) reading comments and I swear these people are paranoid delusional. It’s like they think everyone is out to get them and if you’re not with them clearly you’re a “leftie” and you have no sense. They call themselves “Alphas” and clearly think they are

*Via mods.