
It’s people like you who seek to ruin the series because it doesn’t do the things that you want it to do. The traditions are what make it good, changing that changes the whole game. Next you’ll bitch about random battles, or difficulty spikes, or too much dialogue, or turn-based battle system. Go play some

EDF, as a series, is the original Goat Simulator.

Damned if you do, damned if you don’t. Can’t fucking please anyone. If it’s a stereotype? RACISM!!! If they just cut the stereotype? WHITEWASHING!!! Include another race instead? TOKEN!!!

Virtua Racing was $99.99 which is quite a bit more than $60...150% more to be exact. I wouldn’t say it was similarly priced at all.

That’s kind of an unfair assessment though; you got the ability to add Knuckles to a second game he wasn’t supposed to be in. You’re likening it to DLC, but I don’t know any DLC that you pay for and it works for 2 different games as well as a playable game in and of its own.

Sounds like it’s high time to invest in Old Glory insurance.

This is the one thing I hate the absolute most about Kickstarter failures. When they say this, it tells me that they knew it wouldn’t be enough to accomplish what they promised ahead of time, yet still asked for it anyways, knowing full and well they couldn’t possibly deliver. Most of the time they use the money to

I think they would give refunds if you paid for Empire Strikes Back and 30 minutes into the film they showed Phantom Menace instead. That’s more of the proper comparison. You’re acting like you would be able to know everything was missing from NMS within an hour, and that’s just not possible. It takes a good amount of

Normally, in non-NMS cases, I can understand the not refunding argument...but in the case of NMS and Aliens Colonia Marines, it was flat out false advertising. And because of that, even with 50 hrs in NMS, I think people deserve refunds because the lie isn’t immediately apparent and the supposed scope of the game

Filed deep in my Who gives a shit? folder.

It’s completely possible to play something for 50+ hours hoping it will get better, and will have all of the promised features, only to find out it never does. So yeah.

And now Jim Lee is the one telling people they’re not good enough for DC...

To some degree I want to believe it’s an easy cover-up for the gov’t to just ignore all of this and flick it off as “alien nutcases” because it’s the easiest cover-up possible; just say they’re looney and the masses will absolutely believe it because it does sound nutty.

Here’s a thought: Many big name Youtubers like PewDiePie make multiple MILLIONS of dollars annually from Youtube. Why doesn’t one of those personalities just invest a couple mil into making their own Youtube type site that’s uncensored?

Maybe I’m just an asshole, but this game looks too big and empty. I think there’s too much emphasis on Sonic being “fast” and in reality the old games never really truly revolved around speed. In fact, most of the time you were moving slowly until you got to a loop and tunnel. That said, I also don’t think Sonic

I came across one just before I gave up and quit playing the game altogether. I thought it was just another shitty glitch and was one of those temple ruins that just was missing an activation spot. Guess in some way maybe I was right; just remnants of another missing feature.

Obviously I read that as ISIS.

It’s almost necessary in DW1 and DW2.

I never paid attention to it much either. I saw the pitch trailer and a little bit of gameplay a while back when they showed the space combat and shooting holes in asteroids and that’s all I was going off of. I didn’t even know the name of the game until E3 this year. But even going off the trailer, it’s simply not

I actually appreciate the hell out of this being a thing. I wish movie makers would take note of this and start making battles involving knights more realistic. I’ve always hated how pointless and useless armor is in movies; it’s just there for show because all it takes is a single diagonal slash to kill a knight in