
Yet, in the same movie, he executed Dooku in the presence of Palpatine so....again you could easily go with the idea that Palpatine was mind fucking Anakin the whole time who was in turn mind fucking Padme. Palpatine was around in all 3 instances: Killing Dooku, stopping Mace, and killing the kids. It’s easy to just

Except Lucas had little control over Eps 4-6 because Kurtz was on set most of the time keeping him in line, and Lucas’s wife (at the time) was responsible for most of the direction the scripts took. Lucas himself just got to take all of the credit while being more concerned with selling toys.

The hate train doesn’t come from the game being boring or crap, it comes from the lies and deception of the pre-release, then having the nerve to blame the consumer for “creating unrealistic hype” that was based on the confirmations fo features that aren’t there and the Aliens Colonial Marines level pre-release demos

Yep. I’m one of the suckers who put like 8-10 hrs into it hoping something different would happen if I just kept playing and got to new planets. Something like 20 planets later, I realized they were all just color flavors of the same 5 planet types, all mostly barren of life, the same 2 fucking sentinels everywhere,

Not counting the quality of the shows themselves, the animation specifically has devolved, not evolved. It’s become vastly simpler so that episodes can be churned out with less effort. Good for animators, I guess, but a lot of the charm is gone and replaced by software-rendered animation with fewer details and less

I’m sure even one person liked Superman 64.

You know what’s really sad? Starflight, which released 30 years ago in 1986, managed to get everything right that this game got completely wrong. So yeah, sorry but the game is a flop unless you’re a fan of pointless and endless grinding in an empty universe filled with empty promises build on a hype engine.

This is a pretty faithful recreation of NMS. All of the planets basically look the same but with different color scheme, all of the creatures are just variations of the same 3 things, and there’s nothing to do out in space. The only thing it’s missing is the incessant, endless farming of ore.

Why do I feel like the DC Cycle is very similar to the Sonic Cycle?

To be fair, I feel the same way about Reddit.

Nobody cares if you worked for EA before. We all know Mutant League Football is the best football game ever.

You should check out the fanedits by HAL9000; specifically that last scene. He took audio from a foreign version of the film that was essentially just grunting and growling by Vader as he stepped out and force-crushed shit. It’s amazingly different. Still hard to forget and not pre-emptively queue “NOOOOOO!” in your

I think I’m like the only person who still wants a sequel to Evil Dead 2013.

Fablo Moon has his shit together on this one. I’d read this.

Is this the next phase of movies? We’ve gone from prequels to remakes to reboots to comics and now translating all animated stuff into live action.

Are we pretending Disturbia was good? You know, as if that were a reason to see this movie... and this doesn’t look good or scary either; looks like the standard haunted house fare.

I normally pay $0-$20 for my son’s Epipen Jr. with the co-pay discount card provided by Epipen ( Luckily our pens are good until late next year so we’re good until hopefully something can be done about the price hike... Out of curiosity though, I ran by Walmart to see how much one

Not grimdark enough.

Now playing

This isn’t the first time KoF went to 3D...and the last couple of times, it sucked and looked terrible too. I think it needs to stick to sprites. I didn’t even care for the animated look of 13.