
Ok Mr. Psychology Expert. I always find that as the last resort to someone who can’t form a good defense; that and then you’ll start throwing out strawman etc. Easy out for you to avoid the fact that you had your ass handed to you.

You’re comprehension levels are sub-zero, friend. It’s not about their right to be there, it’s about respecting the fucking park rules. How hard is that? And how hard is that to understand?

Yes because the 40 people there were all putting out one reaaaaaally long text message. And if they’re 40 people buried face-deep into a book walking around oblivious to the world, that would be just as annoying...but considering how little people read books versus playing with their devices, I highly doubt the park

You’re a dumb twat. It’s obvious what they’re doing. This wasn’t a problem before Go became a thing. I’m sure maybe one guy may have just been putting out a REALLY long text, but the other 40 people were absolutely playing Pokemon, but you go ahead and live in your blind world of self-doubt because you’re offended

It’s not about the homeless themselves, it’s about the sleeping on the benches which isn’t allowed because it takes up a whole bench. The signs there specifically state certain rules, including something about sleeping across benches. But you know, go SJW yourself into an aneurysm because “hulk angry you said

And the parks have REASONS why they don’t allow certain things; like dogs for instance. Because people let them poop everywhere, etc. So basically, you have the right to bring your dog too right? Why not. Also, no radios or mp3 players are allowed because people play them loudly like assholes, and disturb the nature

I’m not dictating anything. I’m just saying it’s annoying and getting out of hand. Eventually this fad will die off and they’ll go back to whatever it is they did before or find another fad to follow.

SO OFFENDED! Bitch, I play more than Atari. Go put your face back in your phone (or maybe it’s already there to post your madness).

I’ll be glad when this specific fad is over. Can people please go back to hoarding amiibo?

It’s different from reading a book because when you go out to read a book, you don’t have your face buried in the book while you drone around mindlessly like a zombie, not paying attention to your surroundings whatsoever. But yes, I would also be annoyed if a particular book told people to go read it at specific

None of these people are “enjoying the outdoors”, they’re glued face-first into their phones.

I think I forgot to mention:

They’re taking up bench space for people who came to enjoy the outdoors; who came to see the wilderness and the animals and enjoy actual life away from devices and crowds. Essentially, all Go has been doing to landmarks is turning them into the same mindless droning you see in the city and on public transportation.

There’s getting out and then there’s mindlessly wandering in pursuit of a virtual animal whilst being glued face-first to a device. You might as well not be outside at that point.

Maybe I’m just turning into a crotchety old man, but this shit is getting out of hand... and it’s not like I’m just some grandpa; I’m a long-term gamer (since 1983), but never was into Pokemon outside of the original cartoon so I never did get into the games.

Can you really call yourself a fan or this a fan film if you’re creating an abomination that ruins everything good about the thing you’re supposedly a fan of?

This looks like porn.

This looks like Biff Tannen, for real.

I love the concept and the idea of this, but I just hope to god they don’t make it a point to constantly acknowledge climate change and environmentalism and shit; just let it be an environment - a backdrop - that simply exists as a part of that world without need to step out and explain why it looks like that.

Meh. Better than nothing I guess. Definitely better than that other “X-treme” attempt at the show a few years back. I’m just not a fan of that Flash animation look.