
That’s Clawful.

Yep. you’re the intelligent one here taking the moral high ground. Pat yourself on the back.

Derp derp derpa derp racist derp derp. Fucking retard.

You feel free to keep turning this into some kind of race relations shit. I wasn’t the one who called ISIS blacks, you did. You made that correlation. I don’t know if you’re aware of this or not but all races are in the US military, or did you and your racist bigoted mind think that the American military is all white?

This is the truth. Baseball Stars 2 is hands down the best baseball game ever.

Ahh there it is. I was waiting to be called racist because of facts. Fuck off with all that. And no, your numbers make no fucking sense. If 100 whites die out of 1000 and 50 black die out of 100, yeah percentage wise that’s high but still twice as many whites still died (TWICE AS MANY!) and you want to discount that

I’m dead serious. You’re the one skewing number in the favor of your narrative by putting them through filters until it rounds out to the story you want to portray. Hell, even your own stats clearly state that a higher percentage of deaths were whites.

It feels better for your narrative to skew numbers into percentages, but that doesn’t negate the fact that vastly more white individuals are dead at the hands of cops every year than all other races combined. Proportions mean shit compared to hard numbers otherwise the Native Americans should be really fucking pissed

So? Your stats are skewed by a want to make it seem like less whites are dying than black at the hands of police. The fact of the matter stand that vastly more white individuals are being killed by cops every year than any other races combined. This isn’t about averages because if it were, Native Americans should be

You don’t have to. How about you write about dead white people at the hands of cops since the ratio of 2:1 and then you wouldn’t have to be so concerned about the narrative you’re driving that blacks are somehow disproportionately being killed by cops.

Rhianna is terrible. There, I said it.

So basically Super 8 + ET + Akira.

To be fair, Star Ocean 5's everything is so bad I can’t play it...and I’m a huge fan of the series.

Let’s not get too pedantic, here.

Especially because Star Wars and merchandise have a long, important relationship.

The other thing they seem to be doing is making the assumption that all the viewers knows who the fuck everyone in the DC universe already is from the comics. Who the fuck is Steppenwolf other than a band? No explanation about Flash’s appearance or the other Justice League cameos, no explanation for Wayne’s dream

Actually, technically it is a choice. You have to willfully undergo the transformation. So yeah, it’s a choice.

There’s also Clint Howard’s Evilspeak which is satan in a computer:

Already happened. Thank Tom Hanks and the 80's for it: