Considering the cost of Lego these days, he probably could have bought the actual car for the same price.
Why the hell would they be transposing from paper script for a game that already has a digital script from the PS1 game? They’re referring to the history of bringing Dragon WARRIOR 7 to PS1, not regarding Dragon QUEST 7 to the 3DS.
You make it sound like he’s referring to DQ7 3DS being the one that France helped bring here, when in fact he’s referring to Dragon Warrior 7 on the PS1.
Attention whores.
You’re one of the Simple Mathers. It’s still not guaranteed in the bag. You clearly have no idea how this process works. Regardless of your “simple math”. Sure, she’s most likely the nominee, but that’s a far cry from being the nominee, and by how the process works, she is not the nominee.
He was a skin in Heroes 1 for the main character since technically the only game you played as Erdrick/Loto was Dragon Warrior 3 but he was the hero and not a pre-named companion. You will not see any of the unnamed heros in these games simply because the hero is supposed to be you; and thus he’s always silent/unnamed.
I’m confused. The Delegate results aren’t final until the convention in July and the Superdelagates don’t even vote until the convention...which means Clinton can’t be the nominee yet. she simply doesn’t have enough non-super delegates. And I’m pretty sure Sanders said he was gonna ride this out through the convention.
Am I crazy or does this game look a whole lot more like Vagrant Story now with the makeover?
Don’t the professionals glue these things together so this doesn’t happen? Amateur.
I swear, the guy talks and acts like a fucking 5 year old.
Takashi Miike is a fucking hack, and I don’t know why nobody realizes this, instead they put him on this pedestal as a genius. He’s made maybe 2 good films. He’s basically the Japanese equivalent of Uwe Boll.
we should be friends
Rakugaki Showtime is one of the best, most fun games ever. I’d liken it more to dodgeball on premium crack than an arena fighter.
I’m just going by this article saying it’s Doom 4 in Doom, yet I see nothing that looks like Doom 4 in the Youtube video referenced. I’ve done no other research on this. I saw Spiderdemons which aren’t in Doom 4 and can only assume there isn’t a champion effort to necessarily remake Doom 4 in Doom.
Super Turkey Puncher 3 was in Doom 4...wasn’t that from Doom 3?
I appreciate modding if it’s not weaksauce.
That’s what Capcom did with Megaman 9's NES shell thing. They just threw a disc in there and called it a day. It’s now a disc holder; serves a purpose.
Whooop deee freaking doo