
I swear, the guy talks and acts like a fucking 5 year old.

Takashi Miike is a fucking hack, and I don’t know why nobody realizes this, instead they put him on this pedestal as a genius. He’s made maybe 2 good films. He’s basically the Japanese equivalent of Uwe Boll.

we should be friends

Rakugaki Showtime is one of the best, most fun games ever. I’d liken it more to dodgeball on premium crack than an arena fighter.

That helmet looks like something out of Macross.

This list makes me sad.

I’m just going by this article saying it’s Doom 4 in Doom, yet I see nothing that looks like Doom 4 in the Youtube video referenced. I’ve done no other research on this. I saw Spiderdemons which aren’t in Doom 4 and can only assume there isn’t a champion effort to necessarily remake Doom 4 in Doom.

Super Turkey Puncher 3 was in Doom 4...wasn’t that from Doom 3?

I appreciate modding if it’s not weaksauce.

Oh gawd no, not Big-Head McAlienface. There aren’t any other female asian actors to pick from?

That’s what Capcom did with Megaman 9's NES shell thing. They just threw a disc in there and called it a day. It’s now a disc holder; serves a purpose.

Whooop deee freaking doo

I fail to see how this is Doom 4 inside of Doom. The Spiderdemons weren’t even a common enemy in Doom 4. Actually, the whole thing looks off. I was more excited by the idea than seeing the actual execution.

Agreed to some degree. They should have at least put like a fold-out map inside the cart or a mini cd with a DRM free game installer on it or something. For $65, it’s hard to justify for an empty shell, manual and box.

Now playing

Why does that ad remind me of the Applebee’s commercials?

Ugh. The turtles’ character designs look awful...especially the faces.

I honestly can’t put my finger on it this time around either, but I absolutely abhor Clinton today. Talk to the 2008 version of myself and it was a different story; I actually was hoping for her over Obama - not that Obama was a slouch. Now, when I look at her, I absolutely see that “corporate machine” that he’s

I didn’t find it tricky. Wait for no shield, shoot to fuck. Big ball of fire: shoot to fuck. There was more trickery involved in the Cyberdemon IMO. I just feel like it wasn’t impressive and a little uninspired compared to the other 2 bosses.

As much as I really liked the new Doom, I found the boss fights to be easier than many of the areas of the levels. It was much harder for me to manage 50 demons shooting at me in a constant barrage ambush than to take on these bosses one-on-one. But I do agree, the boss fights are cool. The double one not as cool as

Toned does not = strength, nor same weight class.