
I’ll admit that Nadine’s stringy ass beating up Nate was annoying as piss. More annoying for me was that fact that given every opportunity, nobody just fucking shot Nadine. Why would Nate or his crew shoot someone to death like that? I dunno, maybe because he had no problem killing the fuck out of like 100 Shoreline

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Just looks like a slightly fancier version of Vib Ribbon.

While the anime art on its own is pretty damn good, there’s something very terrible and trashy about them when compared to the classy original artworks.

Sounds to me like someone took Sliders and combined it with 7 Days.

Well, if you’re gonna go through the effort to completely revamp Doom, you might as well makes some new sprites. It doesn’t even have to be all of them, just 1/3 would be nice so it fits the theme. It doesn’t have to be a TC.

This is stupid clickbait and as inaccurate as those dumb “Everything Wrong with” videos. Clearly 90% of those Iron Man 1 “deaths” are to be assumed that the bad guys were ‘knocked out’, IM2 was all robots, and the Avengers is pure BS cua they’re alien monsters, not people.

Just watched some footage on Youtube and while the level design and all that look pretty cool, it’s a shame they didn’t bother replacing any of the monster sprites.

My contribution.

Is this a review or a complete walkthrough? Jeez.

I’ve seen a Twitch stream of a guy playing this and basically it’s a prettier version of Star Ocean 3 - ie. the worst in the series. Some knucklehead thought it would be a good idea to take one step backwards to the worst Star Ocean game rather than taking anything great from SO1, 2, or 4 or just rolling with

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Fans of Labyrinth really should watch the making of featurette. It’s a wonderful look in just how much care went into the film.

I, for one, thought the movie was a good solid experience...and Clarke was a good choice for Sarah...but I’m apparently the minority here.

8-year old? How about a stage by a 3-year old? :p

It looks like you can still stream the official KKK games, Ethnic Cleansing and White Law... :p


But was it worth the risk of being branded a spy and serving the next 10 years doing hard labor in some of the most abhorrent conditions imaginable?

I hope this guy wore his brown pants today.

a sickening bounce off an adjacent building.