Saw it last night. It’s good, but the editing is super choppy, and the plot is razer thin.
This is why you wait until you’re done to brag about your fan game project. Otherwise you’re dooming yourself to a cease-desist letter.
Non-static buttons. ie. there will be buttons just not stuck in one place:
It looks like you’re going to GET buttons, just not static ones:
Not if the buttons are raised on-the-fly to match whatever control scheme the game itself chooses.
If you look at the 3rd pic with the white controller, you can see the virtual B button on the screen, which coincides with reports about this:
The moral of the story? Don’t jump to conclusions based on hearsay and secondhand information.
Why are the politicians with the biggest mouths about shit and launch crusades about it always the ones who are also the biggest hypocrites on the exact same subject?
I’m pretty sure that Titan track is Marilyn Manson-based. I was hearing Beautiful People around the 2:20 mark.
That and the game only released less than a WEEK ago, so maybe you’re making a big stink over something few people have had the chance to give a go at...
The glaring mistake here was choosing Vita as the release platform and expecting there to be a large enough user-base to pre-sell a number of units.
Actually, I can personally vouch for the difference in fairness between Japanese and US crane games.
Well, this is gonna come out wrong, but you don’t know me. I have consistently half-finished like 40 projects in my life and to be honest I was finally putting my foot down with this one - I was GOING TO finish it no matter what. Unfortunately for me, the “no matter what” was financial ruin, lol.
I spent 3 years and $12000+ making my graphic novel happen, and I’ve sold maybe 500 copies because of lack of advertising or brand power. I sell them for the bare minimum and that ranges from $10/ea to $50 for the box set. I make about $0.49 - $1.50 on each sale after everyone and their brother takes their cut just to…
Clearly a typo.
And Pixel Noir is nothing like XCOM but still looks wonderful: