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First of all, I’m calling fake on this, because the guy hitting him braces his foot when he plants it just before “hitting” the crotch dude. Second, even if he’s coming in contact with him, it’s not very hard.

And then there’s Alien: Colonial Marines, which was complete bullshot.

Iiiiiiiiiidunnno about this one. I feel like it was a little over the top on the officer’s part, but looking at it from both perspectives, I want to say this didn’t warrant anything beyond like a reprimand on record, and maybe hospital fees.

It wasn’t particularly difficult to find people who would do work for money because I just went to and posted an ad, it was more harrowing finding someone who would commit to doing the principle art for the whole book at a price I could afford.

If you want a digital copy, I’ll dump one on Mega or something for free.

Being a successful kickstartee of my graphic novel, I tend to want to defend the site and the idea of supporting nobodies in making their project.

After CGI:

I know this totally isn’t the forum for it, but is there a name for the teeth “condition” that Bowie had? You know, where the front 4 teeth curve inward.

I’m not the only one who says how dumb the price is...even the fucking founder of the Rift said it:

You’re taking the niche market into account, which is the people who already know what they’re doing with a PC. The general Schlub doesn’t know that and will have to invest in a $1100+ PC to use the $600 device. It’s not gonna succeed in the mainstream market.

If you’re going by the current numbers from the links on the Rift site directing you to Alienware, etc. So far the cheapest option is $1199.

So basically their target audience are the ones who already have a $1500 PC, the know-how to build out a higher-end gaming rig, don’t already have a controller for their PC, and an extra $600 to throw around.

Uhhh, I don’t think this counts as “blackface” my friends. This falls in line with watering down the term “that’s racist” when it’s not.

So I was reading the AMA and, ultimately, they decided to go with a premium priced model rather than going with what already worked. The DK2 dev kits worked great and did everything they needed to do to achieve the consumer-expected result and would have retailed for about $400 according to some of the buried Palmer

Are they an authorized retailer for XBOne controllers or is this just a thing they decided to huck in there and helped inflate the price?

I don’t think that’s entirely true. I’m pretty sure there was a cartridge fragment stuck inside from the previous live fire that ejected from the blast of one of the blanks in the barrel, not an actual bullet. They just didn’t properly clear debris from the barrel prior to firing the blanks.

I don’t know how much I believe that they didn’t let her keep the candy. Every time I got some kind of UFO catcher windfall, they were always pretty gracious about it. Maybe it’s because I’m white and they didn’t want to offend me. :p

I just want to know if Hugh Glass would approve of this film’s accuracy or not.

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Kind of reminds me of Castle of Illusion or World of Illusion.

The way shit goes down these days, it’s not unpossible (wiggum).