
Saw it last night. It’s good, but the editing is super choppy, and the plot is razer thin.

This is why you wait until you’re done to brag about your fan game project. Otherwise you’re dooming yourself to a cease-desist letter.

Non-static buttons. ie. there will be buttons just not stuck in one place:

It looks like you’re going to GET buttons, just not static ones:

Not if the buttons are raised on-the-fly to match whatever control scheme the game itself chooses.

If you look at the 3rd pic with the white controller, you can see the virtual B button on the screen, which coincides with reports about this:

I think your hate may depend on which draft of 7-9 you read. Because it’s relatively well documented that they were already written by the mid 80's, including 1-3, but sometime in the 90's Lucas fucked with all 6 drafts. More than likely it was roughly around the same time he decided to fuck with 4-6. But Mark Hammill

I’ve actually seen a rough summary of Eps 7-9 back in the early 90's, pre-internet. I don’t recall where I saw it but I remember how the story was supposed to go. Also, a lot of the 80's interviews with Mark Hammill confirm some of this because that dude couldn’t keep his mouth shut and was apparently privvy to all of

I’ve actually seen a rough summary of Eps 7-9 back in the early 90's, pre-internet. I don’t recall where I saw it but I remember how the story was supposed to go. Also, a lot of the 80's interviews with Mark Hammill confirm some of this because that dude couldn’t keep his mouth shut and was apparently privvy to all

So basically Trump is now full-blown Cartman.


Bleh. It lost me with the overly-flashy fighting. I’m from the camp that finds all the jumping and flipping unnecessary in establishing the skills and power of the Jedi/Sith.

The moral of the story? Don’t jump to conclusions based on hearsay and secondhand information.

The music was the only good thing about Ghosts of Mars...and I love me some Carpenter. I can’t stomach this pile of shit, but I own the soundtrack.

Maybe he just like to work like Ron Perlman.