
Why are the politicians with the biggest mouths about shit and launch crusades about it always the ones who are also the biggest hypocrites on the exact same subject?

I’m pretty sure that Titan track is Marilyn Manson-based. I was hearing Beautiful People around the 2:20 mark.

That and the game only released less than a WEEK ago, so maybe you’re making a big stink over something few people have had the chance to give a go at...

I could be wrong, but I’m pretty sure the EJB menus have been known since at least around 2005. Maybe nobody knew how to access them from the cabinets directly, but they’ve been accessed in ROM dumps for a while.

The glaring mistake here was choosing Vita as the release platform and expecting there to be a large enough user-base to pre-sell a number of units.

Actually, I can personally vouch for the difference in fairness between Japanese and US crane games.

Well, this is gonna come out wrong, but you don’t know me. I have consistently half-finished like 40 projects in my life and to be honest I was finally putting my foot down with this one - I was GOING TO finish it no matter what. Unfortunately for me, the “no matter what” was financial ruin, lol.

I spent 3 years and $12000+ making my graphic novel happen, and I’ve sold maybe 500 copies because of lack of advertising or brand power. I sell them for the bare minimum and that ranges from $10/ea to $50 for the box set. I make about $0.49 - $1.50 on each sale after everyone and their brother takes their cut just to

Clearly a typo.

Now playing

And Pixel Noir is nothing like XCOM but still looks wonderful:

My initial concern here would be the January release. Typically this is where studios shovel their trash or movies they’re worried won’t do well.

Now playing

First of all, I’m calling fake on this, because the guy hitting him braces his foot when he plants it just before “hitting” the crotch dude. Second, even if he’s coming in contact with him, it’s not very hard.

I thought this house was demolished...or renovated beyond recognition.

“You feel this water surging past you and plumes of vapor coming up. It’s truly a spectacular place.”

The Final Girls sucked.

Honestly, I don’t think that picture means anything. Look at the March 2015 posts on the FB timeline. They posted a couple of throwback pictures similar to this and they weren’t for anything special. That coupled with the picture being of the Classic Predator from the third film with the damaged mask, I’m going with

An eagle-eyed FB user pointed out that this is the same “Classic Predator” from the most recent movie Predators, because of the broken mask:

Dreams can still happen, but I won’t be here to witness it:

I embrace my desire to feel the rhythm, to feel connected enough to step aside and weep like a widow, to feel inspired to fathom the power, to witness the beauty, to bathe in the fountain, to swing on the spiral. To swing on the spiral to swing on the spiral of our divinity and still be a human. With my feet upon the

And then there’s Alien: Colonial Marines, which was complete bullshot.