
I don’t like it. It’s faux 2D animated using bland 3D modelling. It looks like an early PS2 game attempt and cel shading but comes off as pixelated 3D trash somewhere between PS1 and PS2. No thanks.

South Korean movies have been amazing for the past at least decade.

Agreed. Though the Jedi Killer sounds pretty cool, but everything else is ass. I’m thankful they showed restraint.

I don’t think that’s entirely true. I’m pretty sure there was a cartridge fragment stuck inside from the previous live fire that ejected from the blast of one of the blanks in the barrel, not an actual bullet. They just didn’t properly clear debris from the barrel prior to firing the blanks.

I don’t know how much I believe that they didn’t let her keep the candy. Every time I got some kind of UFO catcher windfall, they were always pretty gracious about it. Maybe it’s because I’m white and they didn’t want to offend me. :p

I just want to know if Hugh Glass would approve of this film’s accuracy or not.

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Kind of reminds me of Castle of Illusion or World of Illusion.

The way shit goes down these days, it’s not unpossible (wiggum).

If I was referring to pre-SNES days, sure. I could even say Congo Bongo if I wanted :p My mind was on 16 bit.

Yeah that too. Sorry, I was a Genesis kid so Landstalker came to mind first...I believe it also came out a year earlier than Equinox as well :p

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Graphically maybe, but outside of the graphics it just looks like a shitty version of Landstalker.

I consider myself a very man’s man, and I don’t like when they insert chicks and kids into a series just to revitalize it - when it’s obvious and bad. I love shit like Commando and Rambo. But I’m not afraid to like girly shit when it’s good; like We Cheer on the Wii. (Amazing game, give it a try!)

I recommend the HAL 9000 series edits. They’re actually the best fanedits I’ve seen so far. IMO, nobody can truly fix Episode 1, but these are the best you’re going to get as a consistent trilogy.

It actually looks like it might be good. Not sure how well it’s going to work out for them to go bigger because they’ve gone pretty huge with this one, so I’m not sure how they’re gonna make a third, but hey whatever. It has William Fichtner, so it can’t be all that bad.

Their heads look awful, but it’s pretty sad that a fan film’s CGI looks better than the multi-million dollar movie’s.

Technically he never DOES anything on screen, but that doesn’t diminish his badassery. I mean, for me the coolest of all Star Wars characters never did a damn thing and were only on screen for a few seconds. You don’t have to see them DO anything, you know at some point off screen they did something fucking amazing,

Sorry but most of the city parks here in WA have these little crane things and they work like crap. They’re neat in concept but functionally they’re garbage. Treads won’t fix the fundamental problems with them.

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Welcome to what Bemani was doing over a decade ago.

“Your awkward appearance doesn’t matter at all.”