
I’m surprised nobody has called Fisher out on her recent change of mind about the outfit, when she was originally the one who requested to be put in something more sexy and revealing in the first place... That, and she was never forced into the outfit, she volunteered. She read the script, and agreed. Maybe she

OR here’s a crazy idea:

Bawww. Should have been a hammy 1960’s Batman thing in the tone of the Strong Bad game.

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I’m a little resistant to change with stuff like this. Something about the long-standing art style being a PART of the game, even if the core game itself hasn’t changed.

First off, I have no interest in this replacement-quel. I have no interest in the plot, the art that prompted it, nor another blah Blomkamp film.

To be fair, sometimes in cases like this, it takes fans to continue making what fans want out of the next iteration. I mean, look at Star Wars. I think Lucas just had no fucking clue how to capture what made the originals so great, but fans do. Technically JJ Abrams is a fan, and he’s been given the opportunity to

I’m happy for this. I’d much rather he put more focus on the Riddick universe than the played-out Fast and Furious stuff. Though, I’m happy for Vin in general because he gets to create worlds of his two loves; cars and fantasy. I’m jelly.

Virtua Racing on Genesis was like $109, and Phantasy Star 4 was $99 I believe.

The whole trailer looked hollow and bland. As much as I love the Rock, it fell flat. The end was just the shit cap on it all. The CGI is awful. Why not literally just a fat suit? Blah.

I’m sorry but everything that has come out of this clown’s mouth since the prequel failures has been a load of shit. He has flip-flopped on just about everything, and makes wild statements to cover his ass. Too much pride, not willing to make concessions that he made mistakes. Just excuse after excuse. I remember back

As the husband of a Muslim, I typically only ask questions about her faith when I don’t explicitly get something...and one thing that is sorely misguided by Americans at least, is the phrase “Allahu Akbar”.

Plus, the acronym is TITS.

They said the same thing about the Star Wars prequels. It’s called denial. You can’t deny that while there may be “a lot” of practical effects and real people int he film, it’s saturated in CGI - which makes everything look/feel fake.

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There are a TON of prequel fanedits out there, but if I had to recommend one for Phantom Menace, it’s Heavy Star Wars Episode 1. Man, I’m telling you, it’s a lean 80 minutes, paced well, tells a proper story and feels exciting - not to mention the wonderful new score (that also serves to shut up Jar-Jar so they don’t

I’m more bothered by the lack of punctuation in the title, because it refers to a singular entity - a Batman Superman Spiderman. Essentially a superhero Man Bear Pig.

It’s got something to do with the uncanny valley and the human mind being disturbed by things that approach reality but are not real in living beings. Nobody notices the CGI that everything is blanketed in these days when that CGI is on inanimate objects, it’s the moving and living things that are hard to take in - does one do a fantasy epic rife with magic, large green humanoids, griffons, etc. without CGI and entire rooms of green screen in this day and age? I mean, such a thing would be impossible with practical effects at the forefront and reasonably augmented by special effects!

It doesn’t look like it’s being played for laughs but the fact that he didn’t immediately tear her head off seems like it may be toned down...maybe.

This looks marginally less awful than the first Burton Alice film...and only because of Sacha Baron Cohen.

I love how Jim Bakker himself was holding back a gag after tasting it and trying to convince you it’s delicious.