This is a fucking horrible list of trash and mediocrity with only a few redeeming excellent films. Did a hipster write this list?
This is a fucking horrible list of trash and mediocrity with only a few redeeming excellent films. Did a hipster write this list?
To be fair, Square has had about 50 attempts to finally get it right with FF1, so there’s that. They’ve only re-released any other game maybe once or twice.
I wouldn’t be shocked to find out these were the same guys in China (or maybe Russia) that were fronting campaigns out of US states with fake game listings to grab cash. They only did pixel-based games, probably because it was easy for them to throw together fake gameplay trailers.
I guess they managed to complete the game without the $30,000 they were looking for on Kickstarter back in November.
Reminds me a bit of Midora, a game I backed. They were supposed to make a simple GBA style Zelda game, and now we’re like way past the due date with no new screens/vids or anything, and recently they were talking about putting it on indefinite hold while they used our money to work on some mobile treasure hunting game…
To be honest, I still don’t get Smash Bros to this day...never have. I’ve played the N64 and GC games and aside from having all the franchises in one place, I don’t understand why people like the game. I love the hell out of Nintendo, but this franchise I just don’t get. Nor will I understand why anyone would play…
I feel like too many people are trying to do this kind of crap though - turning Mario into I Wanna Be The Guy - and while I understand the niche, it’s far more fun to have people like Nintendo making difficult but wholly fair levels that rely on skill and not pure luck or memorization.
You’re my favorite person.
KoF has been systematically ruined since 2004. I used to love this series so much. Oh well, at least I can keep playing 2003 and prior and enjoy.
I don’t even like DragonBall, but I’d buy the fuck out of those if they made real statues.
On the plus side, I don’t think Kojima will be working on these any more since he doesn’t own the rights, so problem ultimately solved. Good day sir!
MGS3 was my tipping point. MGS2 seriously pushes its luck with me tho. The vampire was brief enough, and the fat rollerskating guy was also brief, but Raiden and the asinine plot were where it was pushing it hard for me. The gameplay was about its only saving grace. MGS3 however, just straight jumped the shark.
My mom. She can be such a bitch sometimes.
I could go for a point-and-click Neverending Story.
Hiding in a box was more practical than anything, and later became a joke. Boomerangs and hard stereotyping are far different than shooting ghosts at people, or forming bee bombs, or vampires, or more recently the demonic human torch.
I’m not knocking the gameplay in MGS2 at all. That’s the only thing that got me through MGS2, but there’s only so much character retardedness and ridiculousness to the story I can deal with.
Being based on espionage and infiltrating and stopping secret future tech/mechs versus a fucking bee-man are two far and different things.
This guys looks like loads of fun...
I read the article. I understand it’s a thing, but MGS5’s implementation is stupid.