
Where's the explanation of the prank? If he did it on purpose it wasn't a prack it was a hidden detail. If the picture was Photshopped and no such detail was present (or if a trickster painted it in later), then it was a prank.

$650 what carrier you on son?

Well of course just like "medical marijuana" most supporters just want a safe legal high without skulking around. But that doesn't make the argument invalid. Also it is very safe to say legalizing and regulating drugs would pretty much kill the cartels. They make money off of distribution and that distribution goes

It looks fine as is.

I think Netflix and RIM should merge and implode together.

Amazon and Apple will exist at the top of the streamining food chain...Netflix is dead. But I doubt the content owners will ever let the only real streamig solution happen, e.g. all content everywhere available from at least Amazon and Apple for a flat monthly fee.

Sorry but of course there is no difference between streaming and replay limited downloads...false dichotomy.

The iPhone (and ok, Android devices too) are PC's.

It's natural language so more like "Who's your daddy?"

UN-FUCK-ING-BE-LIEVE-ABLE!!!! I took about 20 screencaps as desktops. The one i am using is the farm with galaxy in the background and "No Hunting or Trespassing" in the foreground.

I realized last night that the new iPhone is numbered the 4S because it stands for "For Steve".

Given that my total amateur wife has taken some pictures with her iPhone 4 that have better color and depth than my 18 megapixel DSLR, I would also accept your wager.

Really really stupid design decision. I would never put anyone I cared about in a rear facing seat.

I love my iPhone and wouldn't want the form factor to increase in size at all. The only thing they could have done would be to make the entire front a screen and that's a big change in form. I have to laugh when I see android users walking about with their mini tablets I would much rather have super fast super high

To echo everyone who doesn't have a monetary interest in the matter, no HTC product has ever been cool.

the 4S is a huge/killer update and you call it the SAME? Why because it doesn't have a bigger screen?

So if it came with free data for Amazon content plus an amount of free use for browsing, then it would be a win win for Amazon (facilitate purchases and the device is really made for this).

4G from the start and free data service and this thing would be a huge game changer.

You clearly don't live in my city (one of America's largest).

So many fails...the retarded backing up in front of a violent confrontation, the douche ramming them but not getting away, the bald freak that the pregnant chick actually gets out to talk to, the no calling police like ever. WOW!!!