
This is not nearly the "problem" it is made out to be. The spikes and crashes represent trading program alignments that reverse as the same algorithms recognize buying opportunities. Said another way, who cares about a "crash" that doesn't register on a trader's screen?

My first words were "5-0!"

Most people use windows for the same reason they always's there. The current interface is boring and functional and I anticipate it will stay that way based on Microsoft's fundamental delver small incremental changes that keep the revenue flowing in but doesn't put users beyond a stage where they no

Make sure you never take a job or a position that disagrees with any group like them, or you too could see your entire on-line life exposed to harm and humiliate you.

So in summary:

And, in theory, Earth could be invaded by purple unicorns.

Their products suck and they have no avenue to unsuck them. Adios RIM and who the hell cares about them or giving them "respect" LOL.

We aren't choking on irony, liberals have always been against oppressive government (fed, state and local). Republicans on the other hand have always pushed for more police powers.

They don't have non-competes, they have IP protection provisions that the company can use. Companies in the valley agree all the time to refrain, for example, if Apple pulls a VP from Google, Google's legal department will send Apple a letter reminding them of the IP protection provisions in the contract and also

We are the garbage.

They would better off implementing a streaming (plus core library) solution that is essentially what OnLive is doing (but moving more code and cache to the device to speed shit up).

Guys, he is watching *interlaced*! I started to tear up when I read this.

I bought two for gifts this season and I am a total apple fanboy. There is room for two ecosystems, and Apple and Amazon both have the consumer focus to be the survivors and consolidators of the online content universe.

You can sell a year old iphone for more than you paid...much more if jailbroken. No android phone offers this "feature". :-)

OK I will bite...the iPhone/iEcosystem user experience is just better overall than most android devices and if you are the kind of person who wants to super customize it or unlock it (matters less for US, still matters big time in foreign markets) then jailbreaking lets you customize without moving to an android

I disagree. A legally operated business has a cause of action if it is dropped from inclusion in something that pulls in other area business (and is not a fee-based service). The remedy wouldn't be money, it would be an order directing Apple not to apply a litmus test to its listings. Don't worry, it would also

We care about pregnant women doing things that will harm the child they ultimately have, not whether she chooses to carry that pregnancy to full term.

It's insane and actually the clinics should be suing apple...not for money just to shine light on this negative practice

there should be a law against i really mean that one...hehe

neither are abortion clinics jerkoff