
It's OK.

I actually like that idea, just from a design aspect. Just blow up the logo and use each carpet square as one of the pixels. Diggin it.

I'm just saying you have no idea what you're talking about and just repeat what you've heard without doing any kind of search. You're not making an honest perspective, you're assuming that you're ignorance is as worthy as people spending their whole life learning and researching this kind of stuff.

I'm surprised no one has replied to your comment yet (but maybe they will by the time I'm done replying).

Why put mercury into vaccines? Find a safer alternative.

Do you really think the battery will be functional then? And if not, do you think Apple will be providing battery replacement service? You will be giving your grandkids a really thin, fragile doorstop.

It looks like a watch whose sole purpose is counting down the time until Saved By The Bell came on.

Having on-screen buttons means that the nav bar can change to suit an app's need: removing certain buttons, changing certain buttons, or adding other things, but most developers don't bother with it because they also have to develop for phones with hardware buttons.

Only clicked on the article to view this possessed person

We made a bus trip originating at the Port Authority in the late '70s too, and that's where I had my first face-to-face encounter with a homeless person. He was rooting through a trash can, and we had just bought a dozen doughnuts for our trip, so we decided to give them to him. As I walked over to hand them to him,

Looks fine to me.

There are far too many S and C words in that headline.

Mariah is the Queen. I do like Whitney's straightforward communication style though.

Thank you!

Whoever voted against this needs to be thrown into the sea to meet Cthulu face-to-face!

And? iOS is the same way. Every iPad/iPhone comes with a bunch of Apple apps, about half of which I stuck in a folder labeled "useless Apple crap" on my iPad. And they're just as uninstallable, but at least on Android you can disable them and set a different app as the default so you're not bothered by them.

The apps are better? Really?

Does iOS 8 have anything remotely comparable to Android's Intents system?

Here's my list: