
No, you got it backwards. They're slowly changing the phones into a watch.

The fundamental problem with Apple is that the media does not cover them with the skepticism that all consumers deserve. You guys just don't. You pander to their users, kiss the ass of their designers and executives, shield their products from criticism, and generally act more like shareholders than like advocates for

Retina displays aren't even apple products. The iPhone and iPad's screens are made by LG, and was previously made by Samsung. Apple dekstop monitors are also LG IPS displays (that you can buy for $300 in a different bezel on ebay.)

I'll join the chorus of 'Google Now, and as such, Android Wear, already does this, with any car', and add that that watch looks like a load of toss. I mean, seriously, I'm not an Apple fan by any means, but I can generally at least appreciate their hardware design.

I would totally break my allegiance to Android and buy this iPhone 6 if it came with a "time machine app", so I could get back in time a few years and rub its 5.5" in the face of every Apple fanboy at the time. Also, posting pictures of it like a maniac in every commenting section of every article at Gizmodo... It

How is inductive charging with a magnet that aligns perfectly a form of wireless charging?

Apple is also introducing a new gesture called Reachability. It's dead simple. If you just double tap the Home button, the whole screen slides down so that you can reach the content on the top of the screen without using two hands.

This being Gizmodo, what she means by "it hasn't been sorted out yet" is actually "Apple didn't get to do this one first, so it didn't exist until Apple did it just now."

Wearing that will probably get me beat up.

We now live in a world where people wearing something from Motorola will laugh at people wearing an Ive-designed Apple product. The future!

Nope. No such thing in the Apple world. The default replacement for an Apple product is another Apple product, why make anything waterproof?

Wind me when your battery is low.....

Trust Apple with your data/money.... WHAT COULD POSSIBLY GO WRONG!?

Christ, I was expecting something far more sleek than this. It looks like an abandoned galaxy gear prototype.

Oh man, I was looking for that article! It seems that every time the iPhone comes out with a new screen size it's always "the perfect size". My friends with iPhones are the same. When I started posting rumors about the bigger iPhone they went from "your phone is too big" to "I can't wait to have a bigger screen".

Why did Kanye let her finish?

I think she's had a small stroke. Honestly, it's hard to tell. How do you know for sure when Bleu cheese has gone bad?