Donald Scott

That lab was originally under the management of Edward Teller, the model for Dr. Strangelove. It has been managed by the warmakers, Bechtel, for years. It is a laboratory run of, by, and for the goals of theDr. Strangeloves of the world - including Bechtel.

Just playing with my new Nokia 156 dl.  I use Tracfone; this smart phone was less than 50 bucks, new - and if it weren’t for the damned ads, which are probably NOT from Nokia, it would be darn near perfect.  And, in a way, it too is a return to the early days - my first phone (also tracfone) was a Nokia.  I’ve come

Correction - NASA’s system, which goes back decades, is not intended to silence the launch. It is intended to break up the harmonics that launch sounds create.

Nice book, interesting series, but it’s NOT Foundation. Why it’s so named is confusing. The entire message of the original trilogy, written during the Cold War, and just after WW II seems buried. Of course, what do I know? I did read the trilogy when it was first released, re-read it many times, then followed the

Ah...the benefits of running a space program for the benefit of private corporations run by egomaniacs!

Thanks, Kevin Hainline - this is classroom wall worthy.

Are they planning to do any GOOD live-action repeats of old films?  


Unusual example of someone who wanted to be hoisted on his own petard NOT being hoisted on his own petard. 

A Ha! Yes - Thiel clearly started the panic. He and Musk are old partners, and seem in many ways to have the same screw you attitude about government, public service, and public responsibility. So one wonders why the Thiel role is not getting massive press and similarly massive congressional attention.

The easiest solution - install Start 11 from Stardock software. Been using that for years. I can use the older style, and do, and not worry. Now - if I can only get rid of the system’s constant attempt to get me to save to that one drive gadget, so I wouldn’t have to go from their default prompt - “onedrive/desktop” -

In the mad rush for privatization - ie, wars, space, public lands management as fodder for corporations - important myths are often shared. In this case, that Axiom is going to be a new privatized spacesuit manufacturer for NASA. The NASA suits have always been made by Hamilton Sundstrom or one of its private

And also lining up to buy Teslas; or in the case of NASA, who should know better, to buy rocket ships.  Disgraceful.  Read about Musk’s ancestry’s connections with technocracy, which included jail time.

Good article about an historic event.  BUT - the Central Valley is NOT on the other side of Sierra Nevada from LA.  It’s on the other side of the Transverse Ranges - the San Gabriels, the San Bernardinos being the ones just north of LA that will catch most of the snow. 

Yet another excellent reason to avoid all social media.  And cable tv while you’re at it.  Maybe also streaming services. 


Does anyone still use facebook? 

Amen. I use all the Stardock refinements to Windows - Fences, Start 11, Object Dock - and can’t see how this update will improve on any on those. I surely wish, though, that they’d re-allow me to move the taskbar to the top of the screen so it’ll get out of the way.

Good reason to use Firefox and Duck-Duck Go.

Why in God’s name are the humans trying to discourage the birds?  This is a perfect way to recycle foods no longer of use for us.   I’m sure someone will point out that the garbage isn’t healthy for birds, but much of it isn’t healthy for humans either - think chips, meat, candy....  Why not just put all edible