Donald Scott

Ah - the joy of privatizing spaceflight, which apparently means a reliance on crewed (say the word) vessels designed primarily to transfer taxpayer money from NASA to barely competent and often incompetent corporations who are more concerned about the “bottom line” than about space exploration.  On the other hand,

Barnett was quoted as saying that if he died it would NOT be suicide. I’ll take that verified quote as the Bible of this.

Since the Chinese Communists now own Smithfield Meats and its subsidiaries, I assume that those products will also be banned?  Maybe the Chinese owners are salting them with deadly magic dust?

Some appropriate comments from the Father of the US Constitution, and President of the USA, James Madison:

Many thanks for this enlightening article.

Ah, the running man speaks.  Someone should have pointed out to Cotton that Smithfield Foods, with many plants in the southeast, is owned by the Chinese Communists. 

Assuming, of course, that Musk ever gets his Big Rocket to work.

Pioneer Don here - I already dropped Prime, somewhat sadly, because I am on a tight budget, can’t afford the extra money, dislike ads, and don’t want to encourage the traditional fee creep that’s killing cable. My hope is that enough folks drop the service. My suggestion is that Amazon should separate the streaming

The article needed a little due diligence - as it stands, it’s a cheerleading ignore-the-downsides bit of boomerism. If this is the plant - as I expect - near the Black Rock Desert and Gerlach, it is highly controversial. This, primarily, because tapping wells in a hot acquifer leads, probably, to the diminution of

A textbook example of positive spin.

An excellent selection.   I might have added the photo of earth from Saturn - beautiful image.  DMS NASA ret

Amen. The commercial services are about profit, not science. However, the best tool for predicting weather is the brain, experience, and common sense. Also the ability to read the sky. A former park ranger, I learned how to predict pretty accurately what to dress for. Sailors in the old days did likewise, and there’s

Fine article about a fine man. It’s important to note here, I think, that he was not the only Apollo hero to pass this week. Ken Mattingly, command module pilot on Apollo 16, part of the crew that included John Young and Charlie Duke, has also left for higher orbit. Mattingly did a spacewalk between the Moon and

Nothing new. This is Musk’s ancestry and inspiration at work - Technocracy, which his grandfather was involved in. Good story on CBC about it - his grandfather was a Canadian. Technocracy is anti government, which helps to explain Musk.

The privatization of assets funded by taxpayers for the benefit of corporations in this country is a national disgrace. Intuit apparently harvested users’ info; and also figured out how to trick users of the “free” software into paying fees. But this is not isolated - they’ve privatized public campgrounds we paid to

That cooperation is known as social capital. It is what gave the USA and other young nations the way to a strong nation. Sadly, in our time, social capital has been abandoned, maybe even discouraged, by the computers we sit in front of. And think of all those people wearing sunglasses, not for eye protection, but to

This former NASA Education fellow finds this show to be mythological rather than believable science. I couldn’t get past the 4th episode of the first season. Having worked in real space, I think this mythological approach is much less interesting than the real deal - and worse, distorting real history for some

The simple answer is to unsubscribe from all social media.  You don’t need it.  It needs you.  I do just fine with NO subscriptions (although I did temporarily wake FB to become a part of the lawsuit against them.)

To found a “colony?”   Colony implies mercantile model - mother country, colonies, back and forth trading, exploitation of the colonists.  Don’t you mean a “settlement?” 

This takes that old (and wise ) truth to a higher physical level, if not a higher intellectual level:   Space Force Intelligence is an oxymoron.