Donald Scott

Desalinization is not a solution - read the stats on, for example, the proposed plant in Huntington Beach: Much more expensive, great damage to ocean wildlife, etc. Nuclear power is also no solution - unless, of course, you’ve managed to come up with a solution for the already massive of we’ll-get-rid-of-it-someday

Glad the reviewer called this a fantasy show..... real NASA history has been altered for dramatic and political purposes in the part I watched. The real history is dramatic and powerful enough that it should be left alone.

As a veteran of NASA’s First Space Station study - “Exercise Countermeasures....” at NASA Ames in 1986, I found the article very interesting. However, a couple of points: Ames was doing gravitational rotations studies in the 1960s using among other tools their 20g centrifuge (still there, still active). We were

Ken and Barbie go to space on a spacex ship..... Ugly suits....  The Boeing suits look like real space suits not something for a doll set.

Sad. But when you chop the NASA budget so you can fund the illegal Space Farce and the audit-failing black hole called the Dept of Death and Destruction, something’s got to go. So far this year it’s space suits and SOFIA. 

One important point - this was not a Disney film. Roy and Walt were dead long before this film was made. It was made after Eisner took over the studio and the parks and screwed them up immensely. Roy Jr might get some of the blame, I suppose - he was still alive - but the fact is (and I have some highly credible

Bechtel has been running this government and probably several others for decades - and using as their business model certain big city gangs (see Cadillac Desert). They controlled Nixon, the Bushes & Reagan and possibly some of the so-called “Democrats” whose policies mirror those aforementioned “leaders.” The company

“Where no probe has gone before”? Aren’t you forgetting the Soviets’ Venera probes that landed and took photos? Ten landed, some survived for as long as 2 hours. MANY firsts in planetary exploration.

This is mind-boggling.

It would be most helpful if we could uncover the huge investors who voted this down - I’m especially thinking of pension funds, for example, like mine and wondering if they have been this criminal in their responsibilities to the body politic?

When they stop using crude and uncrude spaceships maybe things’ll start to work.

Anything Musk says is open to question - that’s his history.

Amen. We also had a strong middle class in those days. And cut the obscene budget of death - the military industrial budget that fails audits (where IS that money going?) - by a reasonable 50%.

Tom Hanks was in Apollo 13 - not 11.   11 landed on the Moon.  13 barely got home.   Fact Check!

How can anyone get excited about a program which intends to privatize space exploration for the benefit of the filthy rich, named for a goddess of the night, apparently plans to select the crew on the basis of race and gender, constantly refers to “crewed” missions (say the word), ignores the UN treaties and

Amen.  Well said.  Time to tax the hell out of the buggers.

One of the greatest lines in science fiction.....

Appears the Russians have been reading David Brin. Startide Rising, et al. 

Ah. The Nukies are back.  And what, pray tell, will we do with the nuclear waste? 

I’d like to know how much this private mission will be paying NASA for the right to use (and abuse?) the station WE paid for.  Let’s hope this is not going to a case of concessioned campgrounds in federal public lands - built with taxpayer funds - our money - then turned over to some private corporation who jacks the