Donald Scott

Finally - I know why it’s such a battle to use Gmail, especially on my Android phone. It keeps forcing me to Meet/spaces/etc. I do NOT want to go there. I only want mail. I gave up years ago on inbox/promotions/social and just use all mail. They are clearing trying to force us to use inferior products in place of zoom

Having worked for many years in park and rec... I’m sorry.  The show is such a travesty that, try as I could, I could not finish one episode.  Maybe ok for a viewer who thinks that Marion Morrison was a real gunfighter, but I’ll pass.

Well put, Mr. Pebbles. This is no time to ratchet up the noise level. People are too often tempted to fight fire with fire - forgetting that most fire departments use water. There’s no question about respecting the Kellys - I worked for NASA, sometimes with astronauts, once or twice with cosmonauts and have the

There is one small matter which the media has overlooked here... It is not “our” (ie, US) space station. The core of the ISS, the original service module, and the other Russian modules are Russian property.

MUCH better than Discovery.  Discovery’s well-intentioned decision to focus on what might be called poltically-correct themes too often gets in the way of the story.  Picard is as progressive in tone, but the story, the characters, and the acting is prime. 

Amen, and exactly correct.  That pre-payment of pensions was clearly a step towards privatization - like the USFS and NPS campgrounds that taxpayers build which are then turned over to walmarts-in-the-woods privatizers.  Prepaying the pension means that whoever buys a privatized USPS won’t have to pay pensions - WE’ve

The orbit to l2 went so well that they did not need to use any significant fuel on the journey.  So they now have a major surplus of fuel which will power the observatory for nearly 20 years. 

Whenever crude missions are designed, we can expect many delays.

Same thing happened at San Francisco State in the 60s. Students voted to tax themselves to construct a new student union, hired an award-winning architect to design an exceptional space.  But one of the trustees, a right-wing German carpetbagger name Luckman, managed to get the design vetoed and hired someone who

Another bit of trivia: Bonestell also designed the old Yosemite Village in Yosemite Valley.