The real game is Azad and it’s played on a Board of Origin, the Board of Form, and a Board of Becoming and actually is much more complex than chess.
The real game is Azad and it’s played on a Board of Origin, the Board of Form, and a Board of Becoming and actually is much more complex than chess.
Pokimane,a woman of color.
Unless they’re skipping out on taxes or hiding their wealth in the Caymans, who cares? The problem with rich people isn’t that they made lots of money. It’s that they rarely pay in their fair share back to the society that facilitated their success.
no there hasnt you fuckin white liar. stuff like el paso and ohio dont happen that often, mostly its my people killin each other nonstop. sephora wearin bish.
Florida is at least entertaining. Mississippi is just fucking racist.
“President Trump believes in a free press and expects and welcomes tough questions of him and his Administration.”
It’s a re-skin of a chinese watered down Diablo knockoff on a smart phone created for the sole purpose of putting another cash shop in the face of idiots because their last cash grab, the Real Money Auction House, was an abysmal failure but they still really want people to give them more money without having to… is all you need to know!
They should kill it with fire, destroy any evidence and pretend this never ever happened.
At this point, because it’s such a known quantity, I think the only way to make Lovecraftian horror work is to sneak it in where it’s not expected. Bloodborne’s got the look and feel of classic gothic horror- oh shit, celestial beings and great ones! True Detective, Season 1 is an investigation into an occult murder-…
Pretty sure that’s the Brexit proposal.
Also Doom 2 is from 94. 95 was for the mac version.
Yes and Republican Terrorists would threaten American programs and legislation whenever a Democrat would try to be pragmatic. So, all it took to prove Republican isolation worked was have North Korea test more nukes in ONE YEAR of Trump versus the 16 years before him, COMBINED. That isolation did the trick alright!
That’s a stupid reason.
Emmitt Smith: So that’s why they call it an “oldbitchuary.”
You have no idea how right you are:
I don’t understand today’s music.
Update: This sale ends at the end of this week, so get downloading!
300 million dollars.