Too core-y and not metal riff-y. And this sample really doesn’t help it, electro-whatever does not befit DooM. It would make it sound like yet another shooter.
Compare to this (which imho worsens the song, but still).
Too core-y and not metal riff-y. And this sample really doesn’t help it, electro-whatever does not befit DooM. It would make it sound like yet another shooter.
Compare to this (which imho worsens the song, but still).
Likewise. Thing is, CBA clean install on main PC (although ALL my data are not on the OS drive). But still. One of these days I must go through, the PC (with legal Win8.1 copy which upgraded to Win10) somehow was effed up and doesn’t want to update to the latest build version god damnit. Stuck with vanilla W10 is a…
And then we will get to experience Doom4 and really shake our heads in how low this franchise can sink.
You don’t miss in space. Your aim always strikes. Ask anyone who explored the Phobos Mars base.
Well, as long as there is no hand holding, renewable player HP and there are a gazillion enemies on screen while you search frantically for keys and ways to go to the next stage where every level tries to fuck you up, without cinematics and other storycrap, I am ok with that kind of multiplayer.
Also, still no BFG and…
Of course you should. You worked for it, she wants it, you will pay for it. Give it to her.
( /sarcasm )
“glider: the new parachute”
also didn’t know it doesn’t take an engineer to have gliders. My bad, through and through and yes, this diminishes the video’s value by a factor of 17, at least.
(seriously back in my pvp days I was always proud of having a hefty amound of feathers ready for slow fall - who needs parachute…
οΟ didn’t know about that, seriously.
it is epic because the glider is supposed to be something that most people don’t use/carry. And just as the mage thought he could get away, *BAM*, pally has a glider too.
Suddenly, death.
Oh well, thank god it’s not music creation software.
Atm looking at Serum’s torrent to see if there are any comments by Kanye.
Yeah well the XMen have more realistic sketches and inks than your title Tony. How about that?
That would be cool because OFC Doom4 will *NOT* have huge areas with lots of traps and secrets and a gazillion demons trying to eff you up. The gameplay videos were like “oh here’s another generic 2010's shooter”. Plus no inverted crosses and satanic summoning and metal soundtrack = no DooM.
Yeah *but* it also screams “non hand-holding, you want to find the way to progress through the level, GO LOOK FOR IT YOU WANKTARD”
It also screams “omfg I so want to have a CODtard try to finish the game. And laugh as he fails and gets frustrated and dies. Again. And again. And again.”
Came here to post this, was not dissapoint :)
Exactly this. I mean, seriously, so. much. hand. holding. “now you go left. now go right. now hide. now shoot these people. way to go, here’s a FMV”. Fuck you game.
came here to post this. Was not dissapoint.
Came here to post this, was not disapoint.
Would love to see today’s players tackle e.g. Skara Brae. :)
Assuming you mean Shia LeBeouf - I would actually try to watch this, at least up to the first commercial break, then, delete torrent, delete data, delete hard drive and try to make up for the time I lost watching it.
Any news of whether us poor slobs who opted for the beta (twice!) and even pre-bought the Origins edition will be able to start playing dog effin gamnit?