The only way I can perceive all this KW thing of the last whatever years is as if the man is a living installation, like them very very old 70s crazy obscure experimental stuff. There is no other way all of this makes any kind of sense.
The only way I can perceive all this KW thing of the last whatever years is as if the man is a living installation, like them very very old 70s crazy obscure experimental stuff. There is no other way all of this makes any kind of sense.
Oh man. This. And of course, because we have to work through a 3d engine, we have to have a palette and some lighting effects and what not and suddenly everything is green-lighted or orange-lighted or everything is brown or whatever.
Fuck your realistic shit. Cacodemons are always bright red and do a beautiful vomit…
No animal crossing? Son, I am dissapoint.
Bethesda. FUCK OFF.
P.S. since Bethesda IS going for a hard R (whaddya know, games that when released in the 90s were PG13, now they are R. Fuck crybabies), couldn’t they just have a proper a la DooM I/II cover?
“DoomGuy kills Satanic possessed soldiers and Demons”
“Notice how in two months nobody has starred a comment of yours”
Wow, got to love them fans who keep counting the days between one star and the next one!
P.S. Starfleet Academy kinda sucks. If I wanted to tutor in a SF place I ‘d opt for Special Circumstances.
I still remember the day when my two-floppy-no-HDD PC started playing the Yankee Doodle! Those were them days!
“Canada and several other countries that aren’t North America”
Errrrrrrr.... something is definitely wrong with that sentence.
Ah the desktop companions! I also remember having the most naughty ones and the anime ones - some of them even interacted with each other! :)
Interesting approach but still it comes as a bit... well.... emo :P
It’s so very specific a power to be able to wield it spontaneously. Plus the fact that you are trying to fill in specific character and setting holes means to me that this script is BAD.
Mind you, I have no problem with scripts that put in specific stuff in world building and leave everything else for the viewer to…
Darth Emo indeed.
If he has trained by Luke he must have been taught the lightsaber basics at least (and since he built his own poor imitation it means he has at least rudimentary knowledge of lightsaber fighting).
Skywalkers: The Immatureness is strong with this family. If Windu was alive he would spank all three generations for being so headstrong STUPID. Jebus.
Kylo Ren a.k.a. “Darth Emo”.
“You shall henceforth be known as Darth Emo”.
He kept hitting his side: what good would that do in a fight? If you are shot you don’t try to traumatise the area further to avoid blood loss. It came to me as “he is hitting himself because he can’t use both hands to do a facepalm because he realizes what a stupid moronic imbecile immature brat he is”.
Luke couldn’t lift a damn rock when he started training with Yoda.
Darth Wankovich stops laser shots. Which means that Luke trained him enough to pull stunts like this.
Unlike a certain female protagonists who started pulling Force tricks out of her ass. That is my main gripe. They have shown it just to show…
“one of the tie in books” Since when the movies needed the damn books? Script (and Disney) assumption much? Script should be self contained.
Well, yeap, Darth Teen Angst he is, this Kylo Ren
“I fire up my saber and destroy computers and stuff and yell because things do not go my way”
He is trained enough to stop blaster shots and not trained enough to butcher two hapless nobodies, even two good martially trained (and one of them newly minted force user) nobodies? A trained padawan who can stop blaster shots would probably just force blast them from here to Naboo and back.