
Seemed flimsy from the start. No one else corroborated the claims, and his claims were never very specific other than “abuse”. He made it seem like something serious, but no examples?

True but they do.

Usually, I’d be on the side of artists or creators in most situations, but these people signed a contract, right? In exchange for a small bit of guest art, they are paid a small sum, but will receive massive exposure that they wouldn’t otherwise get? Then they can later share the art after the contract expires. How is

Republicans constantly confuse volume of voice and vehemence with being right and having a point. 

Judging from when I owned my Hyundai (and I’m a fan of the cars, not the dealers), the dealer will say, “Well, musta been something you did. Ain’t got no other reports of this. You sure you ain’t usin’ a dirty sock to clean the interior? Sorry, ain’t going to cover it under warranty.”

I’ve never even heard of Cyclone. 

I’d like to hear the outcome. As far as I can tell, “hostile work environment” and “boss that gets mad and yells at people” is just called, “life while working in America.” 

AT&T’s business seems to be laying people off.

Canada: 120,000 infections, 9,000 deaths. USA: 5,300,000 infections, 170,000 deaths. We have 8.7x the population of Canada, but 44x the infection rate and 18x the deaths. There’s a reason other countries are opening back up safely right now - they had better leadership and didn’t politicize science.

I liked both, but I am upset that the Tick got cancelled, as well as MST3K on Netflix.

When 10 cops dogpile on one guy for selling cigarettes or not wearing a seatbelt, they need a bit of defunding. Crime is at record lows...why do we need so many cops? They also need to be retrained to deescalate situations instead of firing off shots if someone hiccups while napping in their car.

When reached for comment, the men in the other boats screamed, “Freeduuuuuuumb!” before burning a mask and snorting the fumes they were told were dangerous to their health. “Bill Gates don’t tell me what to do,” the men said as blood trickled from their eyes, ears, mouths, and noses.

“No, no...if you check the X vs Y axis, you’ll see the error. You can’t compare world population to US infections. It’s not a valid statement.” Trump: “Axes? This is a paper with lines on it. Good lines. Lines going up means good things. There’s no axes.” (chuckles) “You would have done real bad on that test I aced,

This worship of money and power is all that is wrong with the world today. Elon’s “saving the world” while laughing all the way to the bank.

I’ve been looking at the N...just looks like a fun car that is reasonably priced. The only obstacle was my wife can’t drive stick, so it was “banned”. I might give this one a shot if it’s not too pricey.

I do people think sites make money these days? People are seriously going to give them a hassle for trying to stay afloat with sponsored ads?

I do people think sites make money these days? People are seriously going to give them a hassle for

Americans: “Look at all that work! Moving the arms, walking ALL the way around the car! I’m just going to sit and stew in the heat until the AC on full blast cools it down.”

How about instead of me sending you $1,000 and you sending me $2,000, I just send a message saying I want $20,000.

Sentinel: “Scans initiated. Analyzing. Blue-furred genetic mutation with superhuman metabolism. Requires a steady supply of cookies to maintain caloric intake. Adjusting weapon systems. Firing celery cannon.”

Love me some sentinels.