
So because not all humans follow sound logic, you shouldn’t be bothered by it either?

So I finally downloaded the pics off my DSLR, and here is a better perspective shot.

Please tell me you are trolling right?
I had that bitch over 80 on accident and it was totally fine.  Just gotta be weighted correctly. this? 

So you seem to fail to understand my rules still apply in heavy traffic. The difference is at that point you are simply always passing or waiting behind someone to pass. If you were to be in the left lane in heavy traffic with a huge gap in front of you, and going slower than the lane to the right of you then you

Yes Kei cars are tiny compared to trucks. I took this pic today.

Look, California being the fucking pansies they are think that wording the law the proper logical way might possibly advocate for speeding the same way you seem to. But it doesn’t; that is a logical fallacy. Simply put keeping right except to pass creates the safest most logically sound driving environment in the REAL

What you want me to resort to name calling?
You are saying that it’s just ok to camp out in the left lane doing the speed limit. Anyone that does that is a bonafide asshole.

The fact is the vast majority of drivers on the road speed, and an extremely small amount of people actually drive under the limit.

When I was

Meh load it with some tongue weight and go 80.

Seriously though...60 isn’t “way too fast” just because U-haul puts 55mph speed limit stickers on all their trailers because of the average moron towing them.

Absolutely, completely WRONG, both logically and in almost all cases, legally.
The left lane is the PASSING lane, not the fast lane. The “fast lane” term is just a fallacy because that is where the faster (passing) drivers tend to be a lot of the time.

Your mom was morally an ethically wrong to have you.

If AWD is really necessary then you should be able to find a lightly used WRX which would be fun. But aside from that and the Focus RS I find most other AWD cars these days pretty boring. A big part of that is my hatred of automatics and poor handling.
That is why I’d just rather get the car I want in FWD or RWD and

I think there are some people misinterpreting what I wrote.  I am not saying that you shouldn’t move over when people are behind you.  I am saying that you should move over when done passing regardless of weather people are behind you or not.

Uhh that’s what I said.

Yes Cali’s wording is pretty shitty, but the same logic applies...specifically where it says “at a speed less than the normal speed of traffic”. 

Well everything with driving is subjective.  And everyone should be allowed to pass without being pressured.  However yes...if you are holding up traffic the kind thing would be to expedite your pass, but that is just being a decent human being...the law plays no part there.

You are very mistaken sir. Like I said almost every state has it worded differently but most of the state laws go by wording similar to mine, and common sense dictates what I said.
The left lane is for passing.  It doesn’t matter how fast or slow you are going, you pass in the left lane, and then move over when you are

Oddly today I had a similar experience in front of me.
It’s raining and a F250 is coming up this 270 degree on ramp, so I do a head check to change over and let him on, and by the time I look back the fucker is sideways with his bed in front of me. I swerve over and luckily after he head buts the guard rail he didn’t

No that orange Merc spend about 1.5 seconds at full lock. That is way more time than it would take say my grandpa to react.