
Saying ".40 Glock 22" is no more redundant than "the Glock 22, chambered in .40S&W" - they both present the same information, just in different formats. It might be more clear in your version, but it isn't less redundant.*

Is there anyone who approaches sexism rationally that actually claims men get all the advantages in society? I mean, inequality doesn't mean one gender gets them all and the other gets none, right? It just means the distribution is, well, unequal, all else being equal (that is, same grades, same degrees, same effort,

And it's so hard to get service at my desk! I eventually had to yell to get someone to come over just so I could ask them to put a letter in the postal box for me. Unbelievable!

I have the number of one underage girl in my phone - a 12-year-old I tutor in reading. She texts or calls to ask what pages she's supposed to read. I'd be kind of worried about this sort of thing, but I think that's got to be really hard to do. I've only ever sent a text to the wrong person once in my life, and it was

Why would you estimate the Apple Maps works fine for the vast majority of users? I can't say that it doesn't... but then I wouldn't say that it does, either. Because I have no idea, and no frame of reference from which to draw a conclusion about whether it works for the millions of users that aren't me. So I'm curious

I like to plug everything in my house into one outlet, so I always know which breaker to flip when it blows, rather than having to skim the poor handwriting on the inside of the breaker box door. It seems to happen a lot. I've never had a problem. The manufacturers built in this great feature where all the extension

Only if you pick an airport at random every time you fly. If the airport you normally fly through is the one where a thief works then your chances are probably considerably higher... but that's just my statistical side talking. I'm also in the "this is what happens when you walk away and leave expensive things behind"

That's never actually been shown to be true. States with higher gun ownership show the highest rates of gun death (at least according to a Harvard review). Similarly, while gun ownership rates between the US and Switzerland are similar, the US still has five times the number of homicides as our European

Lowepro makes some good bags all around. When I first started shooting (I'm still an amateur, or sub-amateur...) I was looking for a backpack to take my camera on hikes and ran across site after site and photographer after photographer saying the best, small bag was the Lowepro Slingshot 200 (or 202, depending). For

Umm, up here in the REAL WORLD we call that added functionality. When you suspend the iShiv it flips over and becomes a toothbrush. Something Samsung hasn't figured out yet because they're too busy making their S-word bigger and more colorful. That's not innovation!

Oh God, so many of the comments have the word "spanish" in them... I think it's started! *throws his phone across the room*

Sure, the Samsung S-word is cooler looking, but it's also huge! How are you going to smuggle that inside your ass? No thanks, I'll stick with my iShiv!

I... might not totally disagree with you, though I don't actually agree with you. Their hardware is great - both functionally and aesthetically. Their software (on the iPhone) is, almost without fail, either boring or bad. Mail is awful. Most of the rest are just not that great. With the exception of Weather and iCal,



True, but having a right and being right aren't the same thing. I have the right to free speech, for instance, but that doesn't make it right to say every idiotic thing that comes into my head (and we all accept this, which is why we don't swear in front of children and grandmothers, typically).

It actually sounds like you kind of missed Jesus' whole point... because it sounds like you do exactly what he said you should be doing (continue to buy things as long as you stay there), at least some of the time. You even seem to recognize that you should. However, regardless of how the staff treats you (most people

I'll be happy when that meme dies. "Oh no, you can't criticize the douchebag next to you because people are starving in Africa!" Sure you can. Recognizing that greater evils exist doesn't prevent you from tackling problems in your own backyard. If anything, it should inform why being thoughtful of others is a

We'd be like kinesin! Also seen in this video, which is probably my favorite thing on YouTube, shown carrying a vesicle... sort of an analogue to us driving around to do stuff to pay for electricity and internet, to keep our nodes running.

No one thinks they're suggestible. Almost everyone thinks they're less affected by things like advertising than the average person. When they polled doctors who received freebies from pharmaceutical companies they overwhelmingly said they thought their peers' prescribing habits were affected by them, but said their