
So is your first amendment right to free speech, but you can still be charged with a crime for libelous speech, hate speech, lying under oath, impeding an investigation (lying to the police), inciting violence... having a right to a thing doesn't mean that it's guaranteed to be hands-off by the government, nor should

Can anyone tell me why she would own two 28mm lenses, an f1.8 and an f2.8? I love reading tips from professional photographers.

You must not watch her stuff, then. She also talks about her family, religion, society... you know, the same stuff as every other comedian.

Ah, that might be a worthwhile line of thought, but that didn't seem to be the argument people were making. They seemed to be saying what Greenpeace should be doing right now (buy a tanker truck, buy a horse and cart, etc - see the various replies to my various comments). Which seemed counterproductive in the face of

That still brings me back to the question of why it's inefficient to use resources you already have, rather than spending a bunch of money to acquire new resources. Horses cost less than tanker trucks, I assume, but they already own the solar truck. The lack of efficiency should have been a consideration when they

I guess I'm just not clear on how that's better. On the one hand, they have a truck that can provide electricity. I'm being told they should ignore that resource and spend a bunch of money to buy other resources that are more efficient... but doesn't that seem inefficient, given that they already own a solar truck?

Does Greenpeace have a tanker truck filled with fuel? The article says they built the solar powered truck 10 years ago, and apparently they drive it around a bit to chat up what they see as the virtues of solar power. So the upfront cost for this free electricity seems relatively small compared to buying or renting a

That seems to be making assumptions about how they would get the fuel there. The truck is, as far as I can tell, stationary. So it's not currently consuming fuel. If that's true (I have no idea) then the fuel it consumed to get there wasn't available to emergency vehicles or generators in New York anyway, so it never

This seems like an odd standard. Either write about every creepy app or don't write about any? Does that apply to fun games? There are thousands of fun games in the app store, do they have some moral obligation to review all of them if they review any? I guess I just don't understand why there's anything wrong with

Fair enough, but there's a major gas shortage in New York right now, on top of the half a million people without power, so if the choice is between inefficient power and no power...? It's not like they're claiming to be powering the state. They're powering one building, and are letting people charge their phones for

The linked article refers to patient monitoring system, which generally means cardiac telemetry and fetal heart rate monitors. They have to be transmitted in real time, which means they have to be networked. They should be on a separate network that's not connected to the internet, but most hospitals choose to save

Anyone have a line on a good 802.11n dual-band router deal? My router is starting to act up (a several-year-old D-link single band that's been awesome until lately), but I don't want to pay $150 for a router.

This might be a stupid idea - and I'm sure someone will tell me if it is - but how about putting a filter on airplane windows? Like beefed up window tinting, but designed to filter green lasers only/mostly? Good idea, or likely to cause airplanes to fall from the sky?

Person 1: "Why are you drilling holes in the fruit bowl?"

Oh snap! Is it DenFurCon time already!?

See? Now we understand each other. You're a spineless douche, and I'm a judgmental prick. The world turns.

As the indomitable Levar Burton says, you don't have to take my word for it! Not recognizing that breaking up via text is douchey and spineless is like having a mullet and thinking it's cool - you just wonder how people make it through life without learning what seems like universal knowledge. But I don't expect you

You're missing out, my friend. They're amazing socks. All my hiking socks are Smartwool, because they're comfortable and moisture wicking. Love 'em!

You're not good at dealing with assholes because you've never had to date you. Maybe one of your exes could give you some pointers?

Did you go to school in the midwest? A friend of mine - she's from Minnesota, or Wisconsin, or something - was telling me the same thing. I love the idea with a few exceptions... a few textbooks I still have on (admittedly the bottom shelf of) a bookcase because I still refer to them occasionally. I guess with all the