
I like how infomercials always make people look like morons. "Do you not know how to tell if you're holding a half cup or a quarter cup? Do you find yourself grabbing a measuring cup when you intended to grab a teaspoon? Never mess up your recipes again with the Magic Spoon!"

I dunno, I think that's pretty individual. My mom smoked while I was growing up, and so most of my associations with it are of her having to walk outside to smoke in the middle of something like a birthday party, and coming back smelling awful, and then later the sound of the hacking... ugh, makes me nauseous just

I'm not sure from where you drew any of those conclusions you made about my argument. They certainly didn't come from anything I said.

I never said men in tech were more misogynistic than any other men. What I said (to you and the other guy who responded) was that there are a variety of reasons why women aren't in tech, and one of those reasons is the shit they have to put up with from men. That part isn't unique to the tech industry. The only reason

That's cool, but the presence of stereotype threat doesn't discount the existence of harassment or unequal treatment. It just means that there's more going on. Some people are still being harassed, discriminated against, and having their gender used against them (see the article I linked). There's just also a

Of course there are women in tech, but the presence of them doesn't deny the existence of discrimination or harassment - that's almost a contradiction in terms (they have to be there in order to be harassed). The fact that Yahoo has a female CEO means only that one group of people - the board of directors at Yahoo -

I think the very nature of this article shows that men are keeping women out. The way that we treat women when they come into male-dominated fields absolutely affects how likely they are to stay in the field, and why wouldn't it? If every time you went into a bar they all threw shit at you, you wouldn't go back,

Sure, gender roles play a part... which is why the article itself clearly shows some people think tech is not a space in which women belong. That's guys hewing to gender roles. "Girls don't belong in tech, so she must have given a BJ to get the job." While you may have great experience with the guys in tech, that

Read the linked article? It's explained (but I'm not going to tell you, because I'm a dick).

This seems to assume that there aren't women in tech because women aren't into it... but how do you know women aren't into it because they're sick of the douchebags inhabiting the space? I used to know a girl who played D&D. She stopped because so many of the people she played with were idiots - staring at her tits,

It may not make a difference to them, but standing up to bigots is important because it also shows everyone else what is and isn't acceptable behavior. If we shun or excommunicate people who attack women out of irrational maliciousness we demonstrate the standards we expect everyone to uphold. Social pressure is

Right. Since women bear the brunt of the effects of conception and childbirth, while I think this is cool, I don't expect many women to opt to stop taking the pill. Control over her anatomy - including whether she can conceive - isn't the sort of thing I think most women would leave up to the honesty/diligence of a

Every sperm is sacred! Life begins at meiosis!

I'm a T2i owner, and I wouldn't consider an upgrade to the T4i... but I would consider an upgrade to the 5d or 7d, given the financial opportunity. The magnesium weather-resistant body and increased lowlight response are the main factors. I love my T2i, but going to a T4i seems too lateral for the amount you spend on

Yep! WA is second in wine production only to CA. The arid climate in E. WA is apparently great for growing grapes. We have over 600 wineries! Which is awesome for me. I can get a great cab for like $10.

The only thing anyone knows about E. WA is that they make wine, anyway. Hell, I live here, and that's pretty much all I know about E. WA, too.

Thankfully I don't work with kids. I don't think I could handle it. But it's not at all uncommon for us to work with older adults who are wasting away, sometimes literally rotting in their beds, while the family holds out hope they'll miraculously recover. I've seen patients who have had massive strokes, with MRIs

Helloooo fellow Bellinghamster! I don't really understand the frustration either. Sure, they fill up the parking lot... well, actually, no they don't. They could park in front of TJ Maxx and walk their asses over, pretty much any time of the day. Yeah, the lines are long. Yeah, the lines at the gas station are longer.

I have the opposite problem. I've been trying to keep the little bastard neighborhood kids off my lawn, so I covered it in trampolines, hoping they'd be aware that trampolines injure 100,000 kids per year. Now I have even more kids on my lawn! Well, bouncing above my lawn. Maybe it's time to put out some buckets.