I'm sure z.griswold is the epitome of the male specimen, with something like 2% body fat and chiseled abs, making him well within his rights to set his sights on only the most attractive women on Earth. Just like every other guy on the internet.
I'm sure z.griswold is the epitome of the male specimen, with something like 2% body fat and chiseled abs, making him well within his rights to set his sights on only the most attractive women on Earth. Just like every other guy on the internet.
That doesn't really fit the analogy I was going for, though. Everything is claimed to affect jobs (whether there's any actual link or not), just like apparently everything gives you cancer. Your toothpaste will give you prostate cancer, and if you don't bend over and take it from the MPAA and RIAA then jobs will be…
Job creation is the new cancer. You know how everything gives you cancer, like fluoride in your drinking water and what not? Now everything destroys US jobs. Killing SOPA endangers US jobs in a vague and unclear way. Stopping the AT&T-Mobile merger threatened jobs in a vague and imaginary way. Any time a corporation…
On what planet is maturity the only factor in the use of birth control? Have you spent time with teenagers from underserved, poor neighborhoods? Neighborhoods without computers and the internet, where information is gleaned mostly from TV and peers? In neighborhoods where men and boys are discouraged from using…
This joke went over my head until I started reading the comments, because CS5 has never crashed in my 2008 MBP, that I can recall. I guess the 4Gb RAM upgrade was worth it.
That's weird. I have a 2008 MBP and CS5 has never crashed on me, that I can recall.
What. The. Fuck.
I'm guessing what he means by styrofoam trays is take out containers, with the hinged lids (which probably qualifies as "unwrapped").
It doesn't work that way in MacOS, unfortunately. The menu bar is on the equivalent of your task bar, outside the app window (next to your start menu, or apple menu, as it were). I can only turn off the navigation bar, which makes getting around difficult (you have to hit cmd-L to type in a URL). With only the…
Hmm, well, I've done that already, but in MacOS FF is still about 50% larger than Chrome. Mostly, it seems, because in Chrome the tabs are at the very top of the window, but in FF they're not. The top of the window in FF shows the title of the current page, with the tabs below that, which is redundant because the tab…
Does anyone know how to make Firefox or Safari take up as little screen real estate as Chrome on MacOS? One of the things that initially drew me to Chrome was how fast it was and how little space the window itself uses. Switching back to Safari or FF now makes them feel huge and unwieldy.
Ah, I see what you mean. I'm with you that disagreement can be healthy... but (in my mind) a healthy disagreement isn't trolling. There are a lot of ways to disagree, but as long as the tone of the disagreement is always inquisitive or respectful I don't think there's anything wrong with that. Trolls, at least in my…
Unfortunately, being thoughtful in your disagreement often takes more time. It's easier, shorter and faster to just say, "No, you're wrong." Still, it can be done!
Yeah, I noticed they clipped the GPS transmitter and whatever onto the back of the iPad, so it fell back-down. Still, I wouldn't have wanted them to drop it un-cased, so I guess it did something. ;-)
Everyone seems to be taking this article to mean that simply disagreeing is being a troll, but I don't think that's Mat's point. I can't interpret his motivations, but what I think he's saying is that it's not if you disagree, it's how you disagree. He differentiates between people who can accept that others hold…
In what way is entropy provided by trolls vital to an online community?
vertigo did use it right, it's just a matter of opinion whether you think this article does it or not. Sexual objectification of women is the degradation of their worth to their usefulness for the sexual pleasure of others (such as making the attractiveness of a woman a primary concern). I don't particularly see this…
5 stars is pretty much the standard, as far back as newspaper restaurant reviews (and possibly farther, I just don't recall anything earlier). You can google "5 star restaurants" or "5 star hotels" and find a variety of lists of fancy dining or luxury suites, respectively. Even now, most reviews on websites use the…
Am I the only one that wants to stand in the middle and pretend I'm Magneto?
I'd never heard of it... but then most parties I go to are BYOB-ish where everyone shows up with a cold 6-pack or two and tosses them in the cooler. I can't remember the last party I went to that had a punch bowl. Even as I got older, we just switched from beer to... well, still beer, but mostly red wine. You can fit…