
I had forgotten about this (because I’m usually stoned to the bejesus while watching reality love game shows) but this was a seriously wonderful season of television. I wish / hope they realize the reality gold they had on hand and do another season like this. 

Karen, I don’t think you really understand what it is to be a Karen, even though you vocally possess all of the qualities of a Karen.

They had a Democratic candidate who dropped out in November of last year. For some reason Arkansas bylaws state that unless that candidate dies or becomes gravely ill, the Democratic party cannot replace the candidate, which doesn’t make sense to me. That said, Whitfield seems to be the better value of the two

Friendly reminder, both Lindsey Graham and Tom Cotton are up for reelection in November.
Jamie Harrison ( is running against Graham, and if you’re sick and tired of Lindsey’s bullshit, donate to Harrison’s campaign early and often.
Cotton’s is a more complicated race, as the the one Democratic

Peanut Butter Crunch and Cocoa Puffs. 

I love the first book, and after that I feel like it’s diminishing returns. I also have noticed, in my advancing years, that I have far less patience for book series, so do with that information what you will. 

Oddly, now is the time that I will probably get my hands on a PS4. There’s a super deep backlog of games that are all new to me, most of which I can get for two bees on the used market, and I don’t have to worry about the first several waves of console bugs.
Between that and the impossibly slow trickle of games to

Sounds like Atlanta will be much safer with all these thugs off the streets...

I also say this knowing full well that the current closest laundromat to me is also a really good doughnut shop / teriyaki combo in addition to being a clothes washing hut.

Unless I had a nearby drop off wash n fold laundromat nearby washing machine wins every time. Even the nicest, cleanest, fanciest laundromat or laundry room is a 3rd wold hellhole compared to having laundry conveniently inside of your living space.
I also just realized that if I shifted to enamel flatware, I could use

If only this was more like the French Revolution. There would be a guillotine with a bowtie on it for that bigot waspy twat.

For calcium and tomatoes, I crush eggshells really fine and add them to the soil when I drop them into the ground. Helps quite a bit. 

It’s odd that if Shake Shack HAD poisoned the police, the PBA’s recommended course of action wouldn’t be for the employee to take paid administrative leave, while an investigation was conducted by other Shake Shack employees. Hmmm...

I found myself with my first gardenable space a little over three years go and it’s all been an experiement. The first year I had shitty peas, but great tomatoes, beans and some squash. Year two amazing peas, okay strawberries and pretty much everything else was crap. This year I built a new bed, my pea vines are 8'

I would watch Padme read a phone book* so inevitably I’ll watch this, but I am curious how it compares to another recent entry into this style of programming, Somewhere South featuring Vivian Howard.
Howard is, at times, a clumsy presenter, but the focus on the show of the origins of Southern Foodways makes it’s scope

Kit Kat Flavors Ranked (by me, and only me):
Green Tea
Dark Chocolate
White Chocolate
Getting hit by a bus
The Rest

A friend who works at a local brewery which has been offering growlers to go, mentioned that without asking, Grubhub or one of their competitors added them to their listings without the knowledge of the brewery. The menu was inaccurate, and the delivery folks would barge in, even if there was a line flashing their

A kaiser roll is a very normal BEC holder. 

My Polish grandmother used to make this all the time when I was a kid. I’ve found recipes before and it’s never quite as good as I remember, but then Babci was the best cook I ever met, so...

Any time I’m roasting or smoking a whole chicken a second one goes in just for salad. I had the same policy when I lived around the corner from a Peruvian chicken roaster.