
Anecdotally, my wife had to reject a candidate that she was going to hire when HR did a background check and found that the candidate didn’t complete the degree listed on their resume. 

It’s more that HBO management is fucking this up, ignoring a 30% market share, which more than doubles the market share of the next competitor, the Amazon Fire Stick. Estimating 400 million connected devices in the US alone, that’s 120 million to Amazon’s estimated 40 million devices.
To further the short sightedness

Yeah, our only difference is that we direct deposit our allowance funds directly to our separate fuck it accounts, so at no point are we looking at our main account saying, “Hey, what’s this $23 from Amazon?” unless we did something like buy dog food after a few bottles of wine.

The best, easiest way to combat this is something my wife and I did a million years ago when we first combined finances. We pool everything into our joint accounts, and give ourselves a set allowance from each paycheck, allocated however you see fit.
The allowance doesn’t hit our joint funds, it’s basically “fuck it”

Mi Goreng (and Indonesian food in general) are criminally underrated. One of the best annual events that happened in my old Queens neighborhood was when the Indonesian Mosque down the block would do a food festival, where members of the community would come out and cook. I would have to roll back home.
Now I need to

The “Everybody Wants Some” scene in Better Off Dead.
I had kind of skipped over Van Halen. I was born in the 80's, but grew up in the 90's which meant that the Van Halen that was on the radio and MTV was Van Hagar. By the time I was 11, there was already Nirvana, Metallica and others playing rock and I didn’t care.

Other than the fact that the programming in question is political, this post is simply, “How to watch X thing that is being broadcast.” They have done the same thing for the Oscars, Emmys, Superb Owl for years but none of those get whiners mewling about “politics.”

Why would you use median to validate your data points? That’s simply the middle value in a dataset. What you’re looking for is mean.

I cancelled the league I’ve been playing for 15+ years this season. It’s a time suck to run the league in normal years, but trying to litigate a season in which games are almost guaranteed to be cancelled on a weekly basis is not something I particularly want to sign up for.
I’ll probably find sketchy streams for the

It’s a seriously perplexing choice, since the song is all about being used as a sex object.
Shit, Joan Jett’s I love Rock n Roll, where she’s trying to fuck a 17 year old dude would have been a better choice.

I’m here for all of this, but with one quibble. Liz Phair’s Fuck and Run is a song about a woman who has been used and disregarded as a sexual object for her entire life (since she was 12), from that woman’s perspective. It’s definitely not a song that can be compared to that Captain Cracker tune Jailbait, pretty much

For slightly newer, as I’m unsure of what constitutes “Classic” movies, check out Paper Moon and The Last Picture Show.
Night of the Hunter is so damn good though.  

you haven’t been to a Wal Mart in a while, have you?

These are almost the same thing as the German Mennonite Bierock (or Beourack, depending on which church cookbook you use). The biggest difference is that the dough is made with shortening as opposed to butter. In my first Bierock attempt I used butter and the end result was a pastry with a crispier texture. With the

We made this with some of the squarsh out of our garden a couple nights ago. Really super easy and reheats well, or tastes just dang fine right out of the fridge. RIYL Quiche, but don’t feel like dealing with pie crust*.

I work in the geek industry and didn’t even realize it was this weekend until Friday afternoon when someone mentioned tuning in. 

That’s just synergy...maaaaaaaann.

Just a few years ago you would have gotten you a Nexus phone for a shade over that $250. 

I think I saw it on Jalopnik, but certainly useful regardless.

I wish I could impart the one useful thing I’ve learned from the Gawker Media suite of blogs. The little arrow next to the gas tank icon on your dash tells you which side your fill cap is on.
Spread the word. Spread it wide and far, because I had been driving for 20+ years before I learned that shit.