
Where was this pencildick when Y’all Queda was storming government offices with assault rifles? Motherfucker. 

it’s not that one, because it doesn’t look portable, but I have this, and it’s fantastic. Plus it has backgammon:

it’s not that one, because it doesn’t look portable, but I have this, and it’s fantastic. Plus it has backgammon:

In other fuckery related to this, if you are an optimum subscriber and have a secondary account for someone (your kids, significant other, spouse, whatever) they are no longer allowed to sign in to HBO Go using that secondary account, despite the fact that you’re paying for HBO. 

That or the Dancing Baby were definitely well earlier than this (I was also very online in y2k and had never seen this).

Mod Pizza is only good if you’re in Downtown Seattle waiting for a late meeting and the only other thing around is Jersey Mike’s, and you don’t feel like walking uphill to a better food option.
Otherwise, there’s probably something better around.

That looks like ice cream cake, which is more delicious than any cheesecake that is not ricotta based. 

Is anything Facebook worth trying? Short answer: No.
Long answer: Fuck No.

Honestly, we’re at a point where thousands of restaurants have closed forever. That’s not just restaurant owners, but thats wait staff, cooks, dishwashers not to point out the ripple effect on wholesalers and distributers.
I get that things are tough out there, because food service is not the only industry that’s been

Came for Cannonball Run. Left disappointed (although I love Police Story).

These bring me back to living in Astoria Queens. Certain avenues were lined with Greek cafes and all summer were filled with people sipping on these. I always figured it was much more challenging to make.

Albany, home of the steamed ham?

Up in Scranton you can find a few pizza places that put scamorza (of course pronounced ska-mutz) on their pizza and it’s fucking fantastic. 

I haven’t put gas in either of our cars in over a month, so that’s +280, but I feel like over the same time that’s been transitioned into alcohol at at least that rate.
We have also done a few minor home improvement projects which replaced some of our other discretionary spending.
The biggest shift has been utilities.

Look, now that I know that Jordan has started is own Cultalano, I have a renewed sense of purpose during quarantine.

I’m following these comments, because tonight is my 8th wedding anniversary, so if one were to keep track (I am) I’ve lost out on the trip planned for my 40th birthday, and tonight we’ll be [let me check my notes], oh right making dinner at home again and drinking another bottle of wine or two or three.

FWIW if you don’t mind a foral taste in your baked goods, you can simply decarb, grind the decarbed flower into a powder in a spice grinder and mix it in straight away. I buy ghiradeli brownie mix and do this and it works fantastically.

I was afraid of baking bread for years, because the first time I tried I failed, miserably. Over the last 5 years I’ve said fuck it, and managed to get better than okay results repeatedly, so now I’m able to kind of wing it, and get something that is edible 99.8% of the time. 

Question on replacements. We have a recipe we want to try that calls for whole fat yogurt. I’m an idiot who wanted to get out of the supermarket too quickly and bought fat free yogurt. Any ideas how to unfuck this, other than “wait until you finish your existing yogurt, and buy the right stuff, you fucking dunce”?

To be fair we’ve all spent the last several (5 in my case) weeks drinking like we’re in our early 20's, which must have spurred this particular idiocy.