You know, I have been wondering how that game turned out as it looked interesting. I did not feel confident enough to go ahead and import the PSP game. (I mean confidence in the quality of the game, not confidence in the importing process ;) )
You know, I have been wondering how that game turned out as it looked interesting. I did not feel confident enough to go ahead and import the PSP game. (I mean confidence in the quality of the game, not confidence in the importing process ;) )
Is Xenoblade eligible, or are we only counting the US 2011 release calendar? That would be the OST I enjoyed the most this year, with Radiant Historia coming in second.
But how do the fan's know it is based around Metal Gear's characters (other than Raiden), story, etc? As far as I know, none of the trailers has made mention of key terms from the series (something like "Patriots") to lead them to believe the story will be connected. And I do not think the fans care about a new type…
I do not think it is so much fans having a problem with doing something new as it is wondering why this is a Metal Gear (previously Solid) game. Take the "Metal Gear" out of the game's name and I think there would be less criticism. Maybe more of a story driven trailer would help the cause (more story than was in the…
Ah, so it was like witnessing an atomic sized fart eh? Except a fart that big would be funny, and these tracks were just painful.
Sometimes the simplest answer is the best.
I guess those rumors of his death on the Alps were greatly exaggerated (rumor on the radio was he went the way of Sonny Bono).
I had a sliver of hope as the trailer opened. I heard the grunts, making me think "oh great, zombies again!" but then she gets upstairs you see a normal human, which made me let out a sigh of relief. Then a couple of seconds later, nope I was right all along, zombies!(or a reasonable facsimile). Rather than Left 4…
Advertisers. To an extent gamers too, for the new trailers. I think of the VGAs like the BCS games (outside of maybe the championship game): they do not mean s*** in letting you know the quality of a game (team) or where a game (team) ranks overall. Then again, that is not what either seeks to achieve. As far as…
I will join the others and ask, "so why is this a Metal Gear game?" On the surface, it is looking like they could have made this game without Raiden and slapped a different name on it.
I too was slightly more curious as to what was happening on Zelda's end, beyond what you are already told. I would definitely be up for a little Master Quest-esq adventure after beating the game where you could go through Zelda's part of the story.
I would not say the fairy-tale narrative makes it timeless nor does it emphasizes how similar the Zelda games are. Its just a nice way to encapsulate everything. As is said here and as I mentioned in the Miyamoto retirement thread, Skyward Sword is the closest we have ever seen Zelda and Link. And it is not…
You just have to know when to jump!
So a new Sonic Spinball eh? I do not think I ever beat Spinball. Might be something to revisit on a rainy day on an emulator with save states.
That was a bit misleading. I thought he was "retiring" retiring; as in leaving the industry. The timing would have partially gone with my vision of how he would leave: making a final Zelda game where Link actually gets to be with Zelda.
If you want credible research involving video games, stick to Green and Bavelier. Almost all of the researchers working the emotion angle seem to use flawed logic or suspect methodologies (or both). This would be an example of those type of researchers.
Call me crazy, but I think it would have been better if they made Teddy a Russian stacking doll instead. Those that have played the game could venture a guess as to what the inside portion should be.
Try to scoop really hard ice cream with a spoon instead of a proper ice cream scoop?
Stack is 200-level, how to use stacks and queues properly is 300-400 depending on the quality of the instructor. Or the ambition of the student :)
Madoka and Iroha are among my top as well, though I am tempted to put Anohana at the very top for this year (it was seriously that good to me).