
Unfortunately I only have a NSFW idea, so I better sit this one out.

I would not mind if the book was not translated, as long as it comes over here. I can appreciate it as art at the very least.

That is the same argument people make against Gametrailers GOTY awards. I have to say I am with them. It makes more sense (to me) for "the best ps3/360/wii" game categories to be exclusive title categories rather than multiplatform categories, as the multiplatform games are covered in the genre awards as well as the

Never read their review, but I loved that collection. That was one of Working Design's best efforts. I somehow always managed to miss one sage stone (I think that was the name) in the first game, making it so I could not be super-over powered in the second game. That second game, by the by, is one of my favorite games

Assuming the worthless VGAs (worthless in that they do not have the prestige of something like the Oscars) only covers US releases, the only missing title for me is Radiant Historia for best handheld/mobile game. Of course, I did not expect it to be there. At this point though, gamers should have expected all the

I think the key is to get engaged when you are unemployed (or not yet out of college). That way three months salary would amount to the jewelry you find at the bottom of a box of Cracker Jacks.

Sounds interesting. It might be another thing to add to the queue. My memory is so foggy from back when these games came out. I seem to just remember some of the actions I took in the game (like killing NPCs to see what would happen) over remembering any story content.

I was wondering if someone else would bring up Ultima amidst the current Elder Scroll love fest. That was the Western RPG experience I grew up on (though I never finished the series for some reason or another). I am contemplating firing up DOSBox and giving them another go as an older, but wiser, gamer.

I go with the classic car definition of "classic:" 20 to 40 years old.

There must be something wrong. My calendar does not read April 1.

I would have picked it up if it were a new Parodius instead. I prefer my shmups to be a humor of a different kind.

I would not say I am disinterested so much as my pocketbook hinders my interest. I merely focused my limited entertainment budget towards games that have limited prints or ones I knew beyond a doubt I would enjoy (examples: Solatorobo for a limited print, and Xenoblade was a game I knew I would love). I would say my

I could definitely see it happening. They would have to limit player control to a set of unique characters though, otherwise the games would turn into MMOs (not that MMOs are bad; I'm just trying to focus on the difficulty of storytelling).

Multiple characters is an A1 idea I can get behind. Only question is how to pull it off. I think it would be cool if you could tackle the different characters' stories concurrently (as opposed to consecutively) so you could see how the actions of one character actively plays into the stories of the other characters.

If I was not so sure there will be a redesign somewhere down the line, I would totally buy that Zelda branded 3DS to go along with my Zelda branded DS Lite.

Could not have said it better. In MMOs you can just keep repeating quests and earning gold, as can everyone else, which increases the overall virtual wealth of the virtual worlds. So if a minority has the greatest amount of wealth it does not matter much, as someone could stick it out with less efficient methods of

I stick by what I have said all along. It's Halo3 in 2007 all over again. A series (or an offshoot of one) starts off with a modest following, it grows in popularity among gamers and critics, it reaches a saturation point, then gamers (not necessarily fans of the series to begin with) just get tired of it. It could be

Kind of wondering the same thing, but I am also wondering how many retailers are carrying the limited addition. I noticed some ridiculous listings on Amazon for $124.99 and up when it is $69.99 at GameStop. Looks like I'll have to finally buy something from GameStop after years of Amazon exclusivity.

Merely defending myself from an attack. I was not pulling these prices out from my arse.

With grammar like "we will not paying," I hardly feel harshly retorted here. It sounds like you are trying to defend Sony for some reason, and I am not even against them. I like the PSV! Granted, the US prices do not reflect an exact currency conversion, but that is not the point. the_loxster understands the point